1,223 reviews179 followers
This volume has less obvious contrivance as far as the plot goes, but we still have some fairly stereotypical stuff like Haine falling off a cliff and Takanari risking himself to save her, and a completely unconvincing scenario where Haine and Takanari are on a school trip, and somehow they end up in a hotel room with just one bed. These are high school sophomores, more or less, and there's also Ushio going to an adult man's room, and this man works for the school she goes to and... yeah, it's fiction, but come on. In any case, I still think the storytelling's off. With some manga, I can just roll with over-the-top melodrama, no matter how cliched, but this one is missing the mark a bit. I think it's because in the best stories of this type, you can understand why the characters are doing what they're doing, or even feel what they're feeling, even if you would never, ever do as they do. I have no clue what Ushio's motivations are towards the end of the book, nor why Haine makes the decision she does, especially since, by my reckoning, she was asserting the exact opposite just a few pages earlier. Similarly to Jeanne in Tanemura's earlier series, her compass follows that moment's emotional whims, which means her "decisions" can be inadvisable, to say the least.
948 reviews80 followers
- mangas read-2018
1,344 reviews12 followers
This one was problematic to the point I couldn't really enjoy it. The characters kept acting as if aggressiveness in a relationship was ok. For example, there's a comment about how the main guy is going to make the main girl his and how he doesn't think he can stop himself. Ok, well according to previous context, he means steal her heart, but the current context is them in a room together alone so it can also be sex (which no, doesn't happen). But later they're talking about the situation and the main girl says she knows main guy would stop if she asked him to but her friend says he wouldn't stop in that situation. Ok, that's literally sexual assault/rape. I'm so tired of this bullcrap of dude so in love he can't control himself, whether it be controlling himself from being aggressive to his competition for his love interest or whether it be sexually toward his love interest. Its creepy. The only thing saving this is that he actually does stop when she makes it very clear she doesn't want him to continue, but this whole "dude take charge of girl who doesn't really know what she wants" trope needs to die.
- other
Sabrina "Look At My Books"
152 reviews7 followers
OMG Ushio and Takanari and Haine.... All those feels....
736 reviews13 followers
Ce volume se consacre plus à Ushio, même si on a quand même le plaisir de voir Haine se prendre la tête avec ses sentiments (elle est vraiment trop drôle). C’est un personnage que j’aime tout particulièrement et j’ai donc hâte de savoir comme ça va se passer entre elle et Haine. La fin n’est pas des plus intense car j’ai déjà lu la série il y a des années et je sais donc ce qu’il va se passer mais quand même. Je pense que pour quelqu’un qui découvre ce tome pour la première fois, ca peut bouleverser le cœur.
- manga-i-ve-read
Kaya Hayes
Author2 books3 followers
This was about to be a 1 star due to so many issues with consent that I have, but damn it, the messiness of this whole story just keeps me invested and I really did enjoy a few scenes. So, 2 stars from me, though I really don't have high hopes for the next volumes 😂
I can't believe 12 year old me ate this up and had no problems with it 😭
2,555 reviews12 followers
How can Haine love Shizusama??? She has barely spent time with him!!? I like her and Takanari together so much! Now onto this storyline with Ushio???? I guess we are going through all the characters’ problems before we get to the main issue at hand?? Like WHY does Takanari have to be his brother’s “shadow”? Can’t Shizu just be homeschooled? Lol
Em Mirra
417 reviews
- manga
1,061 reviews15 followers
It keeps getting more cute by the MINUTE
- manga owned
Ancelle Tache
34 reviews
A lot of angst in this volume and setup in this volume.
70 reviews1 follower
ici on est team takanari + l'histoire autour d'ushio est pas claire
82 reviews3 followers
Es war verständlicherweise ein wilder Ritt nach dem 6. Band und hat es perfekt eingefangen, wie verwirrend menschliche Beziehungen sein können
nidah05 (SleepDreamWrite)
4,678 reviews
Another good volume.
Amanda Setasha
1,577 reviews54 followers
There was certainly an unexpected twist at the end of this volume. I enjoyed it. I liked Haine finally standing up for herself a bit.
- manga zzz-2017
Yoyomaus Die Büchereule
2,156 reviews31 followers
Zum Inhalt: Haine ist noch immer zwischen Shizumasa und Takanari hin und her gerissen und weiß nicht, für welchen von den beiden Brüdern sie sich entscheiden soll. Immer wieder führt sie sich vor Augen, dass sie Shizumasa liebt, schließlich ist er der Autor des Buches, das sie immer so toll fand und weswegen sie sich eigentlich in ihn verliebt hat. Doch Takanari scheint nicht aufgeben zu wollen. Nachdem Haine den kranken Shizumasa besucht hat, um sich über ihre Gefühle klar zu werden, übergibt Takanari ihr einen Umschlag mit seinem wichtigsten Schatz, den sie aber nicht öffnet. Als sie Takanari küsst, redet sich Haine damit heraus, dass sie ihn nur mit Shizumasa verwechselt hat, worauf Takanari sauer reagiert. Als der Schulrat in ein Camp fährt verunglückt Haine und erkennt, dass sie sich in einer Zwickmühle befindet, denn eigentlich hat sie sich ja entschieden. Noch einmal werden ihre Gefühle mächtig durchgerüttelt, als Ushio ihr endlich beichtet, was sie für sie ist und Haine trifft daraufhin eine folgenschwere Entscheidung, denn sie tritt als Platina zurück und geht zu Ushio. An sich war dieser Teil wirklich sehr interessant, da man endlich ein bisschen mehr in den Charakter der Ushio schauen darf. Endlich erkennt man die Zusammenhänge, warum das Mädchen so sehr auf Haine fixiert ist. Trotzdem ist das Handeln von Haine wieder einmal in keinerlei Hinsicht nachvollziehbar und was mich wieder sehr schockiert hat waren die sprunghaften Szenen. Der Schulrat ist zum beispiel im Wald unterwegs und Komaki, Haines Schwester, und ihr Stiefbruder folgen ihnen undercover. Aus einer undurchsichtigen Situation heraus steht Komaki auf einmal vor der Gruppe und scheint in die Tiefe zu stürzen, doch Haine rettet sie. Warum Komaki fast abgestürzt wäre - man weiß es nicht. Dass Haine nun hinab gefallen ist, das ist dramatisch. Aber noch sinnfreier wird es, als Takanari sie findet, sie ihm ihre Liebe gesteht und plötzlich ist alles vorbei. Sie sind wieder in der Schule, ihr gehts gut. Puff, Spannung einfach wieder verpufft. Das nervt so dermaßen. Warum konnte sie die Szenen nicht noch ein bisschen mehr ausarbeiten? Da kann sie noch so schön zeichnen wie sie will, aber wenn der Storyhergang nicht stimmt, dann macht es einfach keinen Spaß mehr. Richtig enttäuscht war ich schließlich, als Haine als Platina zurück tritt und sich auf den Weg zu Ushio macht, einfach so, kaum nachvollziehbar - ja sicher, man kann sich seinen Teil denken, aber es ist einfach nur unlogisch. Schade, da hätte man im Allgemeinen echt mehr draus machen können. 3 von 5 Sterne Taschenbuch: 184 Seiten
Die Lage spitzt sich dramatisch zu, denn Haine kann sich einfach nicht für einen der Zwillingsbrüder entscheiden: Sie liebt Shizumasa und Takanari! Und auch Ushio steckt in der Zwickmühle, denn trotz ihrer vielen Verehrer liebt sie nur eine Person, und die heißt Haine! Als diese ihre beste Freundin zur Rede stellt und die ganze Wahrheit ans Licht kommt, trifft Haine eine folgenschwere Entscheidung.
Verlag: TOKYOPOP (20. November 2007)
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-10: 3865806775
ISBN-13: 978-3865806772
Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: 13 - 16 Jahre
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 12,6 x 1,7 x 18,9 cm
1,609 reviews102 followers
Another catch-up for a series I haven't read in a while. I'm pretty sure this is the last one I had read, so I figured I'd start with this one. This is a fun series, though I must admit, with secret twins, boys impersonating girls impersonating boys, and lots of girls with long, flowing hair, I tend to get lost at times. Haine is very sweet, though, and despite the fact that she is in love with both twins (which is rather obnoxious), I can't help but like her. Ushio is an interesting character. I always found her rather stoic and a staunchly loyal friend to Haine, but I never realized she was in love with her before. It seems really harsh for Ushio to demand Haine's attention in such a brutal way, but she is her oldest friend, and Haine will do anything for her, even abandon the boy (boys?) she is in love with. I'm looking forward to catching up with the rest in this series.
- manga
Cassiopeia's Moon
162 reviews15 followers
I feel so sorry for Haine. She's so confused. And it isn't getting better with Takanari being waaaay to pushy, almost creepy. What am I saying? He's got a moment when he creeps the hell out of me! (I like him^^) Other than that in this volume we see many happy romances. And this was the last book I had borrowed. I couldn't stop. I'd started to care about the characters and had to know what would happen. So I went on the internet.
And Ushio's secret! I have to say that shocked me. And then there is more drama and trouble.
Everybody was sound asleep but had to know.
- manga
1,632 reviews
Looks like it's Ushio's turn to get some back story and growth this time around. Once again, everyone is focusing their emotions on Haine. Another set of bad timing for Takanari too, just when it looked like he was making progress. With this much trouble in such a small group of friends (and council members), it's a miracle they aren't constantly breaking down or fighting all the time... oh wait, they basically are. How do the every actually manage to sort anything out this way?!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
250 reviews
I loved it of course, but the ending was very surprising and made me want to scream! I'm so glad I decided to by both the 7th and the 8th book because I was just planning on buying one, but I'm so glad I did...If I had to sit around and to find out what happens after that I would have been pulling my hair out or something...but I just can't wait to see how it all ends! :)
552 reviews6 followers
I'm not sure how I feel about Ushio. She's a bit of a spoiled brat, in my opinion, and reminds me too mind of a girl I knew back in high school for me to enjoy her character. I don't think Haine should have handled the situation quite how she did, especially since she didn't want to cut things off with her boyfriend. *sigh*
885 reviews
Not bad, and I love the art. Arina Tanemura is one of the greatest artist of mangas in my opinion. The story line still confuses me, but I'm starting to understand it and I love all the plot twists.
- manga
167 reviews5 followers
And the plot continues to get deeper and deeper.
- manga
1,654 reviews79 followers
That cliffhanger. WHY???!!! I need the rest. NOW. P.S. Is it normal to re-read kissing scenes? I think so... 5/5
- 2013 cuddle-plus fangirling
6,866 reviews21 followers
Haine kisses Takanari and is confused on who she really likes Takanari or Shizumasa. Maori and Maguri keep on fighting but they really like each other.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
- manga
125 reviews30 followers
I officially dislike Ushio.
- arina-tanemura manga
193 reviews1 follower
Ugghhhh you can't end like that!!
- arina-tanemura manga manga-read-2013
Holly Letson
3,779 reviews524 followers
- gender-bender manga-challenge-2014 mangas
87 reviews55 followers
Why, Haine, whyyyyy?!
- 2016 manga
Hannah H.
343 reviews
Hannah H.
343 reviews