MHA Universe reacts to MHA Lyric Prank (2024)

This is how the people of the MHA Universe react to Lyric Pranks.


  • 1 Note
  • 2 Prologue: Meeting the Host
  • 3 Chapter 1: Izuku's Secret Harem
  • 4 Chapter 2: Overseas Love
  • 5 Chapter 3: The Other Side


  • Both Heroes and Villains like Izuku and hate Bakugo because they know Izuku's past.
  • Even the popular and hot girls of UA crush on Izuku.
  • Izuku's step-father is now All Might, his older step-sisters are now Asami and Hina Yagi, his eldest step-brothers are Tadashi and Hiroshi, and he is also the youngest brother of Izuka, Izumi, and Ikaru.

Prologue: Meeting the Host[]

All heroes and villains of MHA, RWBY, DC, Marvel, Image, Dynamite, Naruto, DXD, Infinite Stratos, Danganronpa, Kim Possible, Danny Phantom, Star Wars, and other genres are invited to a big group chat.

Y/N is the host.

"Hey guys." said a waving Y/N.

"Y/N!" yelled the happy characters and audience as they all clap.

"Thank you. Welcome to MHA Lyric Prank, everybody. As the host of this viewing, I would like to present our guest of honor. He was a young quirkless outcast who ended up meeting his idol All Might and showed his worth by saving his own bully, he became a true hero. He has passed every test, defeated many villains, and went beyond plus ultra. His reasons for wanting to be a hero are very noble and heroic. Heck, he was even worthy of being a ranger in a different timeline. Please welcome, the greatest heroic cinnamon roll: Izuku Midoriya a.k.a. Deku or Dekiru." said a smiling Y/N as everyone cheered.

Izuku appeared and a lot of fans cheered and he shyly waved.

Ruby Rose, Rias Gremory, and the other girls went aw at his shyness.

Chapter 1: Izuku's Secret Harem[]

When everyone read the title, Bakugo rudely scoffed.

"Who would date him?" asked a rude Bakugo.

A lot of female hands were raised and he was shocked that his own step-sisters raised their hands as well.

"Me and little sister love that nerd." said a smirking Shioka, earning a nod from Katsumi.

"But don't you hate me for a broken promise?" asked a worried Izuku.

"Deku, I was wrong. My reason is selfish and hypocritical." said a sad Shioka.

"Asami and Hina, you too?" asked a shocked Izumi.

"Yep." said a giggling Asami and Hina.

"He's got 8 girlfriends." said a serious Y/N.

"Ochaco, Setsuna, Toga, Melissa, Camie, Saiko, Hatsume, and Nejire." said a smiling Izuku.

(In Heroes & Future Heroes Group Chat.)

"Oh cool, this is a group chat." said an amazed Izuku.

"Yep kid, we're having a group chat on video and reacting to this." said a nodding Y/N.

"Sweet." said an excited Setsuna before laughing fondly at Izuku's t-shirt, "Really, Green Mop? A t-sh*t that says "t-shirt?"

"What?" asked a blushing Izuku.

"Nothing sweetie, it looks good on you." said a chuckling Setsuna.

"Oh ha ha, very funny, lizard lips." said a sarcastic Izuku.

"I so love your sarcasm, baby." said a giggling Setsuna.

"You're so lucky I love you." said a pouting Izuku.

"Love you too, babe." said a happy Setsuna.

"Still, it is funny." said a laughing Mount Lady.

"Oh, hare, hare, Mount Lady." said an annoyed Izuku, rolling his eyes.

(Your Queen: Hey Everyone!)

"Oh yeah, I'm Queen!" said a grinning Nejire.

"All hail, Queen Nejire." said a smiling Eri, making everyone say awe.

"That's right, sweetie." said an amused Izuku.

(Class Dad: Hello Nejire-Senpai!)

"I am no dad." said a serious Iida.

(Floaty Kirby: Hey!)

"Really?" asked an annoyed Ochaco, earning laughs from everyone.

(Hot Dragon: Is something the matter Nejire?)

"Hot Dragon?" asked a blushing Ryukyu.

(Hot Dragon: Why are you using this chat?)

(Your Queen: I got bored and came to chat in here.)

(Why do I Exist?: Y-you do know this chat's for hero work right?)

"Nejire-Senpai, why didn't you use a normal group chat?" asked a curious Izuku.

"1st of all, you don't have to call me senpai. 2nd of all, because it feels great to talk with heroes and students." said a grinning Nejire, making everyone nod in understanding.

"Okay." said a shrugging Izuku.

"Now Zuzu, let's get back to the video." said a smiling Nejire, making Izuku blush at the nickname.

(What Are Walls?: I'm pretty sure she does.)

Everyone laughs at the username, including Mirio.

"Oh man, that is pretty good." said a laughing Mirio.

Eri was holding her stomach in laughter, making everyone smile.

(Queen Tea: You got any tea in here? *tea cup emoji*)

Mina and Nejire gave a fist bump.

(Class Dad: Mina?!)

(Your Queen: Sorry sis, not yet.)

(Queen Tea: Where's everyone else?)

(Your Queen: IDK, I'll call them.)

(Your Queen: @Everyone.)

(Baku & Deku Squad, UA Teachers & Principle & Some Pros Came Online.)

"DEKU SQUAD!" yelled the cheering Izuku, Ochaco, Iida, Tsuyu, and Shoto, having their symbol up.

"BAKU f*ckING SQUAD!" yelled the smirking Bakugo, Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari, and Sero, having their symbol up.

(Bird Or Man: What's going on?)

"Nice name." said a smiling Hawks.

(Coffee is Life: This better be important.)

"Really?" asked the deadpanned cast, even the villains.

"Yes, really." said a smirking Aizawa, drinking a coffee mug.

"Shota." said an annoyed Nemuri and Hizashi.

(Cheese & Chess: This better not be important, I want chaos.)

"Chaos." said a smiling Nezu.

"NEZU NO!" yelled the worried cast.

"NEZU YES!" yelled a laughing Nezu.

(Dead Man Walking: Nezu don't say that.)

"Dad Might!" said a happy Izuku, Asami, Hina, and Tadashi.

"I AM HERE!" yelled a smiling Toshinori.

(Call Me Mommy: Well that's Nezu for ya.)

"Midnight." said the annoyed teachers.

"What?" asked an amused Nemuri.

(Bigger Is Better: Oh your here too.)

"What is that supposed to mean?" asked an irritated Nemuri.

"NO CAT FIGHT!" yelled an irritated Y/N.

"Yes sir." said a sighing Nemuri and Yu.

(Call Me Mommy: I'm more surprised to see you! *agitated vein*)

(Bigger Is Better: What that's supposed to mean? *also agitated*)

U.A. Staff and Pro-Heroes groan in annoyance.

The two ladies look embarrassed at this.

(Grape Head: Hello Ladies~)

"Oh hell no." said the annoyed females.

"Still, great name for him." said a laughing Sen.

"Oh, that reminds me." said a serious Y/N, snapping his fingers.

Mineta screams at disappearing from existence and his stuff disappears as well.

"THANK YOU!" yelled the happy 1-A and 1-B girls.

"You're welcome." said a smiling Y/N.

The girls would rather like Izuku.

(Kermit's Cousin: NO, just no.)

"Who's Kermit?" asked a confused Tsuyu.

(Music Player: Why are we here?)

"Not wrong." said a shrugging Jirou.

(Class Mom: I don't know, Iida?)

"Best Class Mom!" said a happy Eri.

"Aw, thanks Eri." said a smiling Momo.

A lot of people found her cute.

(Class Dad: I'm sorry to say but Mina and Nejire senpai brought you all here because they were bored.)

(Sexy Bunny: Well I'm bored too.)

"Hell yeah, I am a sexy bunny." said a smirking Rumi.

Shinya shook his head in annoyance.


"KATSUKI, STOP YELLING DURING GROUP CHATS!" yelled an irritated Mitsuki.

"WHY DON'T YOU MAKE ME, BITCH?!" yelled a smirking Katsuki, making everyone gasp in shock.

"EXCUSE ME?!" yelled an offended and angry Mitsuki.

"That's no way to speak to your mother, Young Bakugo." said a stern All Might.

Mitsuki got up and went towards Bakugo's room, who left and ran away.

"Should we do something?" asked a worried Izuku.

"No way, this is funny." said a smirking Asami and Hina.

A lot of spanking or slapping noises and screaming were heard as Mitsuki came back with a sweet smile.

"Let's continue, shall we?" asked a smiling Mitsuki.

"You okay, auntie?" asked a worried Izuku.

"I'm fine, sweetie." said a smiling Mitsuki.

(Coffee is Life: Bakugo be quiet or detention.)

(Angry Pomeranian: ...)

(Angry Pomeranian: f*ck THIS sh*t I'M OUT!)

(Angry Pomeranian Went Offline.)

"Katsuki's offline as well." said a shrugging Mitsuki.

"Oh well." said an also shrugging Katsumi and Shioka.

(Pika Pika: That was quick.)

Jiro laughed at the nickname.

(Devourer of Soba: Indeed.)

Shoto just slurped his cold soba.

(#1 Obsessed: SSHOOOTOOO!)

"Endeavor, no." said the annoyed Pro-Heroes.

(#1 Obsessed Was Kicked Out By Devourer of Soba.)

Everyone was shocked.

(Devourer of Soba: Much better *relieved*)

"Todoroki, please respect your father." said a stern Iida.

(Living Speaker: Hey little listeners, what's going on?)

(Queen Tea: Your here for some TEA! *tea cup emoji*)

(I Go Bye: Where's the TEA Mina?)

"Really?" asked an annoyed Toru, who surprisingly is now visible and is beautiful with long brown hair.

"That's just mean." said an upset Izuku.

"Thanks." said a smiling Toru.

(Class Mom: I don't think that's the purpose of this group chat.)

(Manly Rock: I think it was made so we can talk with the pro-heroes if something important comes up.)

"Oh yeah, I'm a manly rock." said a grinning Kirishima.

"So manly bro." said an agreeing Tetsutetsu.

(Music Player: I don't think they care.)

(Sexy Bunny: It's fine, we don't mind.)

(Cheese & Chess: Student and teacher communication is an important part of your training.)

"Indeed, it's true." said an agreeing Iida.

(Kermit's Cousin: Hey isn't Midoriya supposed to be here? *Kero*)

"Oh yeah, where is Green Mop?" asked a confused Setsuna.

"We don't know." said a shrugging Asami and Yami.

"He shouldn't be late to this." said a scolding Tadashi.

(Floaty Kirby: I don't know.)

(Your Queen: Izuku!)

"How come you're calling him by his first name?" asked a confused Ochaco.

"And what's that background music?" asked an also confused Setsuna.

(Floaty Kirby: I-izuku!?)

(Your Queen: Izuku Midoriya!)

(Queen Tea: Ooo~ Since when do you call Midoriya by his first name?)

"Since we've been hanging out." said a smirking Nejire.

(I Break Bones: Haha.)

"Really?" asked an annoyed Izuku.

(Manly Rock: Hey Midobro.)

(I Break Bones: Get jazzy on 'em.)

"What?" asked the blushing girls and woman.

"Izuku, what're you doing?" asked a blushing Ikaru.

(I Go Bye: What?)

(Pika Pika: What's he saying?)

(Manly Rock: I don't know bro.)

(Class Mom: What's that supposed to mean Midoriya?)

(I Break Bones: I'm that flight that you get on. *winking*)

(I Break Bones: International.)

All girls were blushing at this.

"Izuku, what has gotten into you?" asked a worried Asami.

"This isn't like him." said an agreeing Hina.

(Class Mom: *flustered*)

(Floaty Kirby: What?!)

(Class Mom: Oh my~)

(Queen Tea: It seems I'm getting some TEA! *tea cup emoji*)

(I Go Bye: *tea cup emoji*)

(Cheese & Chess: *tea cup emoji*)

"Nezu!" said the shocked teachers

"What?" asked a laughing Nezu.

(Dead Man Walking: Nezu!)

(Queen Tea: You understand us so well principle Nezu *smiling*)

(Cheese & Chess: Why of course. *lifts his tea up*)

(Queen Tea and I Go Bye: *lifts their teas up*)

(Sexy Bunny: I don't get them.)

(Coffee is Life: Don't even try to.)

(Sexy Bunny: Ok.)

"It's best to just not get them at all." said an annoyed Aizawa.

(I Break Bones: First class seat on my lap, girl.)

Chapter 2: Overseas Love[]

Chapter 3: The Other Side[]

When everyone saw the title, the heroes deny that it would be Izuku but the villains smirk.

"I can't wait to see my Dekkun join us." said a smirking Himiko.

Y/N invited the canon timeline to this and thinks they need to hear this.

Everyone explained everything, making them shocked.

"But Deku won't join them." said a stern Canon Ochaco.

"Yeah, he'll become the greatest hero we know." said an agreeing Canon Iida.

"Oh really but I know his past." said a smirking Canon Himiko.

"Wait what?" asked the shocked cast.

"Yep, I know how he secretly got bullied by Bakugo for being quirkless. How he got discriminated against for being quirkless. How his old teachers didn't stop the bullying out of prejudice. And how Bakugo told him to pray for a quirk in the next life and take a swine dive off the roof of the building." said a glaring Canon Himiko, making everyone shocked.

"You're lying." said a glaring Canon Kirishima.

"I'm not and I got proof." said a smirking Canon Himiko, showing a video of Canon Bakugo bullying Canon Izuku.

Everyone was appalled by what they saw and both Izuku's looked saddened at this, which confirms it.

Canon Ochaco, Canon Iida, Canon Tsuyu, and Canon Shoto glare at Canon Katsuki in hatred.

Canon Kirishima, Canon Mina, Canon Kaminari, and Canon Sero looked disappointed in their leader.

Canon Himiko went to Canon Izuku and surprisingly hugged him as he cried into her and let out his emotions.

"Deku." said a worried Canon Ochaco.

"Don't worry, she'll take care of him." said a sad Y/N, feeling bad for him.

"It's okay, Deku. I'm here." said a sympathetic Canon Himiko.

"Thanks Toga." said a smiling Canon Izuku, making her smile at him.

"Also Fanon Timeline, your Bakugo said the same thing." said a glaring Y/N.

The Fanon cast were angered and disgusted by the Fanon Bakugo.

Izumi, Ikaru, Shoko, Kokoro, Katsumi, and Shioka were angered and enraged, wanting to kill that bully.

Fanon Himiko went to Fanon Izuku's room and hugged him as he cried.

MHA Universe reacts to MHA Lyric Prank (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Views: 5699

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.