Dungeons & Deepwoken - The Homebrewery (2024)

Dungeons & Deepwoken - The Homebrewery (1)


A D&D 5e supplement based off of the Hardcore Fantasy game Deepwoken

Dungeons & Deepwoken - The Homebrewery (2)

  • Song Bound3

    • Class Features3
    • Arcwarder6
    • Dawnwalker7
    • Starkindred8
    • Visionshaper9
    • Contractor10
    • Silentheart 11
    • Blindseer13
    • Flamecharm14
    • Frostdraw15
    • Thundercall16
    • Galebreath17
    • Shadowcast18
    • Lightkeeping19
    • Attunementless20
  • Combat Additions22

    • Weapon Enchants (Blessings)22
    • Weapon Enchants (Curses)23
    • Armor Enchants24
    • Alloyed Weapons24
    • Additional Action Options24
    • Items and Weapons25

Song Bound

Song Bound
LevelProficiency BonusFeaturesEther
1st+2Fighting Style-
2nd+2Attuenment, Ether Casting5
3rd+2Song Bound Oath5
4th+2Ability Score Increase10
5th+3Oath Ability Modification15
6th+3Attunement Mantra20
7th+3Oath Ability25
8th+3Ability Score Increase30
9th+4Attunement Mantra35
11th+4Oath Ability45
12th+4Ability Score Increase50
13th+5Attunement Mantra55
14th+5Oath Ability Modification (Tier 2)60
15th+5Oath Ability65
16th+5Ability Score Increase70
18th+6Enhanced Murmur80
19th+6Ability Score Increase85
20th+6Oath Ability90
If you have any questions or suggestions, email me at haydenbubuwong@gmail.com

Class Features

As a Song Bound, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Song Bound Level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifierHit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution Modifier


Armor: Light, Medium & Heavy

Weapons: All Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Intelligence
Skills: Choose 2 skills from Acrobatics, Medicine, Survival, Stealth, Deception, and Athletics


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

(a) A weapon with the Heavy Property (b) A weapon with the Light Property (c) A weapon without the Heavy or Light property
(a) Leather Armor (b) Chain Shirt
(a) Dungeoneer’s Pack (b) Explorer’s Pack

Fighting Style

At level 1, your soul is still tone deaf with the song, although it starts a connection with it, enhancing your abilities with certain types of weapons.

Fist Weapon Mastery

When attacking unarmed, you gain a +2 to attack rolls for unarmed combat, and have a 1d6 + Strength Modifier for the damage of unarmed combat.

Light Weapon Mastery

When attacking with weapons with the light or finesse property, you gain a +2 to attack rolls and a +1 to damage rolls with that weapon, you also gain a +2 to attack rolls with firearms. (The +2 to attack rolls does not stack with each other if you have a Firearm with the Light property)

Medium Weapon Mastery

When attacking with weapons without the Heavy Property, & without the Light property, gain a +2 to attack rolls with that weapon, and also gain a +1 to damage rolls with that weapon.

Heavy Weapon Mastery

When attacking with weapons with the Heavy property, if you are a small size, you have no disadvantage with those attack rolls, also gain a +2 to attack rolls with these weapons. If you are medium sized or larger, you can duel-wield heavy or two-handed weapons with the inability to critical hit.


At level 2, the song within you has begun, granting you the ability to produce an element of your choice, this attunement generally follows off of your personality, but this varies from person to person. Choose an attunement from Flamecharm, Frostdraw, Galebreath, Thundercall, Lightkeep, Shadowcast, & Attunementless. You gain additional abilities at levels 6, 9, & 13. You can apply Oath Ability Modifications to Attunement Mantras.

Song Bound Oath

At level 3, your soul is starting to produce a tone, making an oath to the song, granting you a special kind of ability most of the world has never seen, utilizing a special kind of oath which grants you your powers. Choose from Arcwarder, Starkindred, Visionshaper, Dawnwalker, Contractor, Silentheart, & Blindeer. You gain extra abilities from your oath at level 7, 11, 15, & 20.

Ether Casting

At level 3, to cast your abilities from your Song Connection Oath, you utilize something called “Ether”. Maximum Ether starts at 5, and increases by 5 each level past level 3. You regain 5 ether everytime you attack someone with a weapon that is of your fighting style. Every short rest, your ether returns to full.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Oath Ability Modification

At level 5, you gain the ability to modify your abilities that come from your Oath, these modificated abilities will cost more ether, but be more powerful, the effects of this will be described in the ability itself. This change can be added or reverted during a short or long rest. These Modifications will be upgraded at level 14.


At level 10, your soul starts to match the cadence of your heartbeat, allowing you to learn to channel the Song to assist yourself in various ways, there are 2 Murmurs you can pick from, Murmur Ardour & Murmur Tacet. These abilities enhance at level 18.

Murmur Ardour

Channel the song within you into pure strength within you, once per short or long rest, as a bonus action, you channel the song, for 2 turns allowing you to deal an extra 2d4 Force Damage with any weapon attack you make. During the effect, you emit a faint, purple aura. At level 18, 2d4 Force Damage turns into an extra 4d6 Force Damage.

Murmur Tacet

Compressing the song emitting from you, you hide yourself from the world, turning you invisible. For 2 hours per 2 days, you can turn invisible, only people within 10ft of you can see you. While people are in the radius, people see that you’re emitting a white aura. At level 18, this radius becomes non-existant, and you have double the time invisible.


At level 17, at this point in your life, you’re practically beaming with the song, obtaining the most powerful form of the song, a Resonance, this can take the form of any small object, most commonly a bell. There are many types of resonance, with different abilities. You may pick from several resonances, Blood Scourge, Payback, Sacred Field, Shard Bow, Resurrection, Dimension Travel, Portals, & Run it Back.

Blood Scourge

Your resonance instrument when used, contains a black & red orb which drains the remaining blood of dead corpses, into your own life force. As an action, in a 15x15ft radius around you, for each dead medium sized creature in the raidus, you drain their blood, healing 1d8 hit points for each medium sized creature, for every size above medium, recover an additional 1d8 hit points. This can only be used twice per short or long rest.


Your resonance instrument when used, creates a rotating green transparent circle in front of you. As a reaction, you may use Payback, deflecting all damage taken times 2 to the creature attacking you. This can only be used twice per long rest.

Sacred Field

Your resonance instrument when used, creates a field around you, granting you, and all allies in the field resistances against damage of your choice. As a full turn, you may activate this field, cretaing a 30ftx30ft circle that glows blue on the ground, you and your allies that are within this circle, have resistance to 3 types of damage of your choosing when placing down the field. This field lasts for 4 turns and can be cancelled early. This can only be use once per long rest.

Shard Bow

Using your resonance instrument, you create a magic bow beaming with the song, firing off radiant arrows from the bow. As an action you fire off an arrow, that deals 4d6 Radiant Damage + 4d6 Lightning damage in a 15x15ft square within 120ft of you. This can only be used 3 times per long rest.


Using your resonance instrument, you ressurect one of your fallen allies using the song. As a full turn, you revive a dead or knocked creature within 60ft of you, as they rise into the sky being ressurected, skipping their turn and making them invincible during this period from all damage and conditions, also bringing them to half their max hitpoints rounded up. This resonance can only be used once per week, and must be used within 1 hour of the creature’s death.

Dimension Travel

Using your resonance instrument, you enter a plane of existance that you have created, allowing you to rest and travel with the peace of mind knowing nothing can endanger you in this dimension. As an action, you enter a dimension that has the apperance of anything you choose, you can take a short rest in here and travel, 1 mile in the dimension is equal to 3 miles in the Material Plane. After entering this dimension you create a portal that lingers for 30 seconds, allowing any creature to join you if enter the portal. Occastionally, throught the dimension, there will be massive gaps in the floor that show where you are currently, if you jump down one of the these giant gaps, you’ll end up where the gap was showing you while you were in the dimension. This can only be used once per day and the recharge starts outside of dimension. Dimension Travel cannot be used in the middle of combat as it takes an immense amount of concentration to conjure up the portal and the dimension. You can only use Dimension Travel once per day and recharges at dawn.


You summon a portal that only you can enter, instantly traveling to an area somewhat close to you. As an action, you go through the portal you summon and are unable to do anything until the start of your next turn, at the start of your next turn, you appear up to 120ft away from your original location which you choose. You can only do this 4 times before you have to take a short or long rest to recover your resonance instrument.

Run it Back

Using your resonance instrument, you place a marker down where you are standing, making you invulnerable for a short period, while also returning after the duration is over. As an action you place a marker where you are standing, you have immunity to all damage for 2 turns, after these 2 turns, you teleport back to it instantly. You can only use this 2 times until you have to take a short or long rest to recover your resonance instrument.



An Arcwarder is a person who vows to be a shield to their allies and comrades alike, to wear your regalia with pride, and serve the greater collective. DC for abilities (8 + Proficiency + Constitution Modifier). With eyes glowing a bright orange.

Arc Suit

At level 3, encase yourself in a durable armor with the power of the song you wield. As a bonus action, you encase yourself with the arc suit, granting you an additional +2 to Armor Class, and allowing you to use all your moves. This lasts 2 turns, and costs 5 Ether. If you decide to apply Oath Ability Modification tier 1 to Arc Suit, it lasts an extra turn, and grants you an additional +2 to attack rolls, but costs 10 Ether. If you decide to apply to tier 2, it lasts an aditional turn, and you gain resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage, but costs 20 Ether. If you apply tier 2, it also applies tier 1. The cooldown for this ability is 2 turns

Arc Modules

At level 7 & level 15, you apply an Arc Module (At level 15, you apply 2 extra) to your Arc Suit, which enhances it, without having a higher ether cost, the Modules are as follows: Leap, Eject, Dash, Null, Guard

Leap: While your Arc Suit ability is active, your jump distance is heavily increased through jets on the boots of the Arc Suit, increasing your jump height by 5 times.

Eject: While your Arc Suit is active, you may choose to quickly eject out of the armor, granting a zero turn cooldown on the Arc Suit ability, and the ether cost will be reduced by 20% (Rounded down)

Dash: While your Arc Suit is active, you are allowed to use the Dash action, as a bonus action, you also gain an additional 10ft of ground movement speed.

Null: While your Arc Suit is active, all conditions you have are nullified until the Arc Suit is inactive, you also cannot take anymore conditions. (The only condition you can have while the Arc Suit is on, is being knocked unconcious, and exhastion)

Guard: While your Arc Suit is active, as a bonus action, you may guard against attacks, gaining a +2 to Armor Class, but all attacks you make during this turn, have a reduced -3 to attack rolls.

Arc Wave

At level 11, you learn harness the power of the Arc Suit to unleash a wave of lightning and fire around yourself. As an action, you may use Arc Wave, in a 25x25ft area around you, all creatures in the radius must make a Dexterity Saving throw (DC equal to the Arcwarder ability DC), on a fail, they take 2d6 Lightning + 2d6 Fire Damage, on a success, they take half damage. This ability costs 15 Ether, and has a cooldown of 1 turn. When applying Oath Ability Modification tier 1, it costs an additional 5 Ether and 1 extra turn cooldown, but deals an extra 1d6 Lightning and an additional 1d6 Fire damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification tier 2, it costs an extra 10 Ether, but deals an additional 2d6 Lightning Damage, and an additional 2d6 Fire Damage, and has a 3 turn cooldown.

Arc Beam

At level 20, you unleash a powerful beam of concentrated fire & lightning from your eyes in a straight line. As an action, you may fire off this beam from your eyes, in a 5x120ft radius infront of you, dealing 8d6 Lightning Damage, & 8d6 Fire damage, any creature in the radius must make a Dexterity Saving throw (DC equal to the Arcwarder ability DC), if a creature fails, they take full damage, on a success they take half damage. This ability costs 70 Ether and has a 5 turn cooldown. When applying Oath Ability Modification tier 1, it deals only 6d6 Lightning + 6d6 Fire damage, makes it cost 50 Ether, and makes the cooldown 3 turns. When applying Oath Ability Modification tier 2, it deals 12d6 Lightning + 12d6 Fire damage, costing 90 Ether, and cannot be used till the next day.


A Dawnwalker is a person who vows to forever reach towards the brilliant Light. There is no shadow that their radiance cannot expunge. DC for abilities (8 + Proficiency + Chasrisma Modifier). With a white halo with a gem inside it around your head

Blinding Dawn

At level 3, dancing uncontrollably, no one can withstand the sheer amount of radiant light you emit. As an action you start dancing uncontrollably, emitting radiant light, within a 30x30ft radius around you, dealing 2d6 Radiant damage, anyone in this radius must make a Dexterity Saving throw (DC equal to Dawnwalker ability DC), those succeding take half damage, if they fail, they take full damage. This ability costs 5 ether and has a cooldown of 2 turns. When applying Oath Ability Modification tier 1, it deals an additional 1d6 radiant damage, and all creatures that fail the the dexterity saving throw are blinded until the end of their next turn, costing 15 Ether, and has a cooldown of 3 turns. When applying Oath Ability Modification tier 2, instead of blinding them, you concentrate the light, dealing an additional 5d6 Radiant damage, with a 4 turn cooldown & a 20 Ether cost.

Absolute Radiance

At level 7, you learn harness the radiance within others, while they are attacked by your own, every enemy you hit with a Dawnwalker ability, will add an aditional 1d6 radiant damage to your next attack with a weapon. If the Dawnwalker ability has Oath Ability Modification tier 1, it will instead add an additional 1d8 radiant damage to your next weapon attack. If it the Dawnwalker ability has Oath Ability Modification tier 2, your next weapon attack will deal an additional 1d10 instead. At level 15, it adds an aditional +4 to damage for each damage dice of radiant damage.

Radiant Kick

At level 11, you launch at your foes at the speed of light, kicking them with radiance. As an action, you target a creature within 60ft of you, instantly teleporting within 5ft of them, kicking them, making an attack roll (1d20 + Charisma Modifier + Proficiency Bonus), dealing 3d6 Bludgeoning + 3d6 Radiant damage on hit, when attacking a medium sized creature with this ability, knock them back 20ft, for each size above medium, knock them back 10ft less, and for each size above medium, increase the knock back by 10ft. This move costs 20 Ether and has a 3 turn cooldown. When applying Oath Ability Modification tier 1, you concentrate more strength into the kick, instead dealing 4d6 Bludgeoning + 2d6 Radiant damage, and increasing the base knockback of the kick by 20ft, costing 30 Ether, and with a 3 turn cooldown. When applying Oath Ability Modifier tier 2, you heavily concentrate more radiant light into the kick, dealing an extra 5d6 Radiant damage, but costs 40 Ether and with a 4 turn cooldown.

Protaganist Syndrome

At level 20, the grasp of death and darkness is meaningless in the face of your blinding radiant light, you gain immunity to necrotic damage, when another player character that is in your party dies, you gain a burst of radiant energy, healing 1/4th of your max hit points, gaining half of your max ether, and all of your Dawnwalker abilities go off cooldown. If you were to die from an attack, you instead don’t, pushing it till the end of your own radiant light, becoming immune to all damage and gaining 3 hit points, at the start of each of your turns, you lose one of these hit points, the loss of all these hit points kills you, while you still have these hit points, you gain a +3 to attack rolls, you recover all of your expended ether, you gain the effects of the haste spell, all your Dawnwalker abilities go off cooldown, and you cannot be affected by any conditions. This ability can only be used once per 2 months.


A Starkindred vows to feel all knowladge of all that is, all at once. Your heart beats with the world itself, as the stars watch over you. With a white halo spinning with spikes around your neck. (Starkindred Ability DC = 8 + Strength Modifier + Proficiency Bonus)


At level 3, you obtain wings from the stars, granting you the ability to fly, you now have a 30ft fly speed at all times. Although, these wings are highly prone to damage, whenever you reach half of your max hit points (rounded up) your fly speed is cut in half due to the damaged wings.


At level 7, you use your wings to fly up into the air 20ft, and swoop down and charge forward 30ft, knocking everyone down in your path. In a 15x30ft rectangle infront of you all creatures must make a strength saving throw or be knocked prone and take 3d6 bludgeoning damage, if a creature succeeds the saving throw they take half damage and won’t be knocked prone. If a creature fails they take full damage and get knocked prone. This ability costs 10 Ether and has a 2 turn cooldown. This cannot be used in enclosed spaces without a 20ft high ceiling. When applying Oath Ability Modification tier 1, you don’t fly up and instead only charge forward 30ft, dealing 5d6 bludgeoning damage but won’t knock enemies prone. This costs 15 Ether and has a 3 turn cooldown. When applying Oath Ability Modifier tier 2, deal 8d6 bludgeoning damage and knock enemies prone, but requiring a completely open space without a ceiling (Ex: Outside). This costs 25 Ether, and has a 4 turn cooldown

Celestial Assault

At level 11, you slash your target with your weapon and rise up into the sky with them, allowing you to land a quick combo dealing good damage for the lack of ether you expend using this move. As an action and expending 15 Ether, you make an attack on a creature with your weapon, if you land the attack, you rise up 10ft into the sky with the creature you hit, while also allowing you to take another action, which you can choose to either attack with your weapon, or use an Attunement Mantra, the creature is pushed back 30ft away from you after this. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, instead of attacking with your weapon, you instead land a very weak but extremely quick uppercut, make an attack roll as if you were attacking with the weapon you are holding, if this lands, you can instead take 2 free actions against the creature after rising into the sky with them. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, you can only make weapon attacks after rising in to the sky with the creature you hit, the next weapon attack will automatically crit. This has a 3 turn cooldown before it can be used again.

Fire Wave

At level 15, you can fly up 25ft into the sky, and infront of you create a giant wave of fire, slamming it down into the ground, burning everything in your path. All creatures in a 50x5x30ft area in front of you, must make a Dexterity Saving Throw, DC equals to Starkindred Ability DC, or take 5d6 Fire + 4d6 Slashing Damage, on a fail take full damage, on a success take half. This ability costs 25 Ether, and has a 4 turn cooldown. When applying Oath Ability Modification tier 1, it instead creates a fire wall, 30ft tall, 30ft long, and 5ft wide, lasting 5 turns, all projectiles that go through the wall deal an additional 3d6 Fire Damage, with the same cost and cooldown. When applying Oath Ability modification tier 2, when a creature fails the saving throw and is not resistent or immune to fire damage, they get set on fire, taking 2d6 fire damage for 3 turns, they can end it early by using an action to put the fire out, costs 30 Ether and has a 4 turn cooldown.

Sinister Halo

At level 20, you send forward a fast moving halo, cutting up everything that stands in its path. Create a halo that is 25x25ft big, and moves 30ft forward at the start of your turn for 3 turns, any creature that enters this area or the halo moves into, takes 1d8 slashing damage, for each 10 Ether you spend on the move (you can choose how much ether you expend on Sinister Halo). When applying Oath Ability Modification tier 1, you can use your bonus action to move the sinister halo, but instead of dealing 1d8 slashing damage for each 10 ether, it will be 1d6 slashing for each 10 ether. When applying Oath Ability Modification tier 2, the sinister halo will only be 10x10ft large, but will deal 1d10 for every 10 ether expended on sinsiter halo.


A visionshaper is a person who vows to see only what they want to see, reality being malleable to their deft hands, changing reality for those around the visionshaper. With a glowing purple eye signifing their oath. (DC for abilities = 8 + Charisma + Proficiency Bonus)

Illusory Servants

At level 3, you summon a clone of yourself within 30ft of yourself that looks exactly like yourself, you may use your bonus action to control it.

Illusory Servant


Armor Class
Same as the Caster’s - 2
Hit Points
1/4th of the Caster’s
Same as the Caster’s
Same as the CasterSame as the CasterSame as the Caster
Condition Immunities
Poisoned, Charmed, Blinded, Deafened, Frightened
Any sense’s the caster has
Any languges the caster knows

Controlled. Has the exact same charisma, wisdom, & intelligence as the caster’s

Illusory. Any creature that has true sight cannot be affected by the Illusory Servant. This clone also cannot cast any spells that the caster knows.

Cloned Equipment. The Illusory Servant has the exact same equipment as the caster’s.

At level 11, the Illusory Servants have double the hit points, and when killed, explode dealing 3d6 Psychic damage to the creature that killed the Illusory Servant. This ability costs 10 Ether, and you can only have 1 servant at a time, When applying Oath Ability Modification tier 1, you cannot cast Illusory Servants, but rather when you reach 3/4 of your hp, 1/2 of your hp, or 1/4 of your hp, you summon an Illusory Servant, and turn invisble as long as your Illusory Servant is alive, although you cannot do anything besides move while invisible, costing 15 Ether when you do turn invisible and summon a servant. When applying Oath Ability Modification 2, you instead summon 2 servants at once, costing an additional 15 Ether, and cannot be casted again until both servants die.

Illusionary Counter

At level 7, you perform a pose, taunting the enemy and countering with a strike of your own. As a reaction, you may negate all damage that would have been done to you, and you teleport behind them, also allowing you to make an attack roll with a weapon you have. This ability costs 20 Ether, and has a 3 turn cooldown. When applying Oath Ability Modification tier 1, you instead taunt the enemies to come and get you, forcing all enemy creatures within 60ft of you to make a wisdom saving throw, DC Visionshaper Ability DC, on a fail, any attack that is made on any creature besides yourself, has disadvantage, lasting 2 turns, also granting you +2 to Armor Class. Costing 15 Ether, with a 2 turn cooldown. When applying Oath Ability Modification tier 2, you do an extra attack when countering a creature. Costing an additional 10 Ether, with a 4 turn cooldown.

Illusionary Realm

At level 15, you can send those around you to a pocket dimension which you can shape at your will. Teleport all creatures within 45ft of you, sending them and yourself to a field of a black smooth stone, with a dull white sky, being 500x500ft large. You can control this plane in several ways, such as controlling gravity and affecting the land. You can keep this plane up for 4 turns, and costs 40 Ether to use, when the realm ends, all creatures inside the realm will return to their original position. This ability cannot be modified
Control Gravity. As an action, you control the realm’s gravity, allowing people to jump higher, you can change the gravity from double the gravity, to no gravity.
Create Pillar. As an action, you can create a pillar, up to 10x10ft in width, and up to 50ft tall, enemies hit by this pillar must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or be flung upwards taking 1d4 bludgeoning damage for each 10ft tall the pillar is. You can also bring this pillar down at will.
Safe Space. If you use the Illusionary Realm while not in combat, you and your allies can spend 2 hours in the Illusionary Realm, allowing you to prepare for an upcoming fight, or even allowing you to take a short rest.
Servant’s Realm When you summon Illusory Servant(s), they are strengthened, granting them a +2 to Armor Class, and have a fighting style. You may also heal the Illusory Servant(s) by 5d4 Hit Points.

Mirage from the Deep

At level 20, you can leave the illusonary realm early and replace yourself with a creature from the Depths, at the price of your own blood, taking 5d6 Hit Points as a sacrifice to summon these creatures from the Depths. You can choose your replacement to be either a Megalodaunt, Lionfish, & the Nautilodaunt. Megalodaunts are large shark-like beings that stand on 2 legs with long arms with claws. A lion fish is really just an oversized fish, although, it is far more powerful. The Nautilodaunt is a human figured squid being, the is considered the most powerful, although that can always be proven wrong.


Large Aberration, Unalaigned

Armor Class
16 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points
18 (+4)9 (-1)16 (+3)4 (-3)7 (-2)6 (-2)
Condition Immunities
darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16


Claw Swipe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 2d8 + 5 Slashing Damage

Kick. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 2d6 + 5 Bludgeoning Damage, any creature hit by this move must make a strength saving throw (DC 16), or be knocked back 30ft and be knocked prone.

Coral Needles. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 75ft., one target. Hit 5d4 + 4 Piercing Damage



Huge Beast, Unalaigned

Armor Class
12 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points
90ft Swim Speed.
16 (+3)7 (-2)18 (+3)4 (-3)7 (-2)6 (-2)
Condition Immunities
Darkvision 60 ft. True Sight 90ft, passive Perception 16

Illusion Realm Flight While in the Illusion realm, it instead has a flight speed of 75ft.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 3d8+3 Piercing Damage

Cero. Ranged Magic Attack: Recharge (5-6) Fire off a giant laser beam from its mouth, making a 15x15ft area being shot by it within 90ft of the Lionfish. All creatures in the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity Saving Throw or take 8d6 Force damage, on a success, take only half damage.


Large Aberration, Unalaigned

Armor Class
13 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points
14 (+2)16 (+3)16 (+3)7 (-2)9 (-1)8 (-1)
Condition Immunities
Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16


Double Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., two targets. Hit 2d4 + 3 Bludgeoning Damage

Pressure Washer. Ranged Magic Attack: Create a blast of water from the Nautilodaunts hands, creating a 5x60ft line infront of them, anybody in this line must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 16), or take 4d6 Bludgeoning + 2d6 Cold Damage. On a success, take half damage.


A Contractor has their heart tied forever to a powerful being that has granted them the powers of a Contractor, serving under their will, no matter the cost. Although seeming similar to a Warlock, they are far more different. Commonly, Contractors are mostly bounty hunters, with 4 short visible black tendrils with 1 tendril on the front and back of each shoulder, symbolising their Contractor status, the tendrils slowly turn into a different color as the Contractor becomes more powerful.

Hidden Tendril

At level 3, your power of Contractor has formed, allowing to use tendrils and strings invisible to the naked eye, that allow you to use all your abilities. When hitting a creature by 2 or more past their armor class, you apply a tendril on the creature that is invisible, only visible to creatures that have true sight and yourself. After applying a tendril, as a bonus action and expending 5 ether, you can rip off all tendrils off of the creature with tendrils attached ripping off a small bit of flesh, dealing 3 Piercing Damage each, you can only have 3 tendrils active at max, if you attach a 4th one, the 1st tendril is removed. These hidden tendrils are also all used to use your abilities as you grow as a contractor. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you can instead use 1d6 Piercing Damage instead of 3 Piercing Damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, you use 1d10+2 for your from each tendril, but costs 10 Ether to ripoff 1 tendril.

Lord’s Slice

At level 7, you’ve learned to utilize your tendrils to your advantage, allowing you to use your tendril to fling your target behind you, using them to fling yourself forward, sending you high into the sky. As an action, and expending 10 ether, you can target a creature within 15ft of you that has a tendril attached to them, making an attack roll on them (1D20 + Proficiency Bonus + Intelligence Modifier), on hit, fling them behind yourself, 20ft from your original postion as you yourself get flung forward, flinging yourself 30ft past the creatures original postion, dealing 2d8 Slashing Damage to the creature, and an additional 1d6 Bludgeoning Damage if the creature is flung on a wall. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, Lord’s Slice now flings both you and the creature an extra 20ft, but deals only 2d6 Damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, Lord’s Slice becomes far more powerful, dealing 5d8 Slashing Damage, but costs an additional 15 Ether to use Lord’s Slice. Lord’s Slice has a cooldown of 2 Turns before Lord’s Slice can be used again.


At level 11, you’ve learned to create a different kind of tendril that has a different effect than any tendril that you’ve used previously. As an action and expending 15 Ether, you can turn 1 of the hidden tendrils blue, allowing it to be more tangible and stronger, and attaching it to the creature’s leg. If the creature attempts to attack you with a melee or ranged weapon attack, as a reaction, you whip forward the blue tendril, as you start glowing a nuculear blue, if the creature hits you, you instead take no damage and the blue tendril hangs the creature by the foot upsidown for 2 turns, or until the creature gets hit by an attack. The creature is restrained and cannot attack while hung upsidown by the blue tendril. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you can instead activate the blue tendril at any time as a bonus action, instantly hanging the creature upsidown, although the duration is reduced to 1 turn instead of 2 turns. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, a creature that is hung upsidown by equalizer and gets attacked, the creature automatically fails all saving throws or automatically gets hit by every attack, although this requires a stronger tendril, costing 20 Ether to summon the blue tendril instead of 15.

String Trick

At level 15, your Hidden Tendrils have a greater ability than just pulling the flesh of creatures apart. If there are hidden tendrils on several creatures, as a bonus action, you can pull them closer together, forcing them to be within 5ft of each other, after this, the tendrils go away. Your maximum amount of tendrils active now increases to 6 tendrils instead of 3.


At level 20, you’ve become the strongest a Contractor could ever be, granting you the power to execute those at the raise of a hand. As a full turn, you summon a black casting circle, targeting a singular creature within 25ft of you and has at least 3 Hidden Tendrils attached to them, expending 40 Ether, the Hidden Tendrils attached to them split apart into dozens of individual visible tendrils, each tendril attaching to a small piece of the creatures body, as you raise your hand they raise with it, and then the tendrils attempt to rip apart the body into several small bits, instantly killing creatures that are below 5% (Rounded Up) of their max hit points, if the creature is above this number, they instead take 6d12+12 Piercing Damage, if this damage would’ve kill the creature, the creature is left on 10% of their max hit points instead. There are no Oath Ability Modifications for Judgement.


A Silentheart is a person who vows to reject the Words of the Song, denying themself of mantras in pursuit of their own path to true strength, no matter the cost. Cutting ties with the song, a Silentheart’s eyes become duller and darker, they also have glowing red tattoos across their chest and arms signifying their oath to reject the song, while also granting them their powers as a Silentheart.

Tone Deaf

At level 3, you’ve truely denied the power of song, completely removing the song from your body, making your soul tone deaf. You can no longer use Murmurs or Bells or Attunements. You can only use Attunementless.

Merciless Blade

At level 3, you’ve more honed your own blade rather than the magic and nonsense of the masses. Weapons you attack with, have a bonus +2 to all attack rolls and damage rolls. All damage you deal with your weapon is considered magical for bypassing resistances.

Dread Fighter

At level 3, you denying the song has forced you to create your own strength, landing critical attacks, evading attacks by 2 or more, or hitting an enemy and passing their AC by 3 grants you a stack of Dread, up to a maximum of 10 Stacks of Dread, all stacks of Dread go away after 2 turns, gaining another stack of dread resets how many turns away Dread goes away. For every 2 stacks of dread you can choose to gain resistance to one of the following damage types: Cold Damage, Fire Damage, Lightning Damage, Force Damage, Radiant Damage, Necrotic Damage, Acid Damage, Poison Damage, & Thunder Damage. Once you hit 10 & 5 stacks of Dread, you can choose to gain resistance to either Slashing, Bludgeoning, or Piercing. Each stack of Dread creates a small red circle around yourself, as you gain Dread stacks, the circle gets larger and larger.


At level 7, your attacks and parries of spells from others temporarily silences out the others spellcasting abilities, allowing you to fight fairly against others since you have no access to magical abilities since you’ve cut your ties with the song. Everytime you land a hit with your weapon or dodge a spell by 2 or more you activate Lodestar on that creature, silencing them from casting spells again until the end of their next turn. When fighting a Song Bound in PVP or if the enemy Song Bound is an NPC, all Oath & Attunement mantras cannot be used. After the silence goes away on the creature you hit with your weapon or dodging their spell, Lodestar goes on cooldown, requiring 3 turns before Lodestar can be used again. Using Lodestar causes 1 singular stack of Dread to be removed.

Ankle Cutter

At level 11, you being a Silentheart creating your own strength has let you create different attacks, that may be a little bit less conventional than other more convential fighting styles. You spin around while on the ground with your weapon out, hitting everyone nearby, allowing you to severerly injure their legs, making them slower and unable to do a lot more than just simply walking. As an action, you can use Ankle Cutter, making an attack roll on all creatures within 10ft of you, dealing damage equal to your weapons damage. Hitting a creature with ankle cutter reduces their movement speed by half, the creature cannot swim, climb, jump, or burrow if the creature can burrow, this lasts until the creatures next turn. Ankle Cutter has a 2 turn cooldown before it can be used again.

True Vantage

At level 15, your markings aren’t just for show, but stores it’s own power, you’ve gained control over this power, allowing you to expand it out from your body, pushing enemies away and allowing you a chance to escape from a dangerous situation. As a bonus action, reaction, or action, you expand red energy from your markings, pushing all creatures within 5ft of you 20ft away, if you land this on a creature, you temporarily become invisible until the start of your next turn, while also increasing your movement speed by 15ft, if used as a reaction, you can move 15ft away. If you attempt to hit a creature while invisble from True Vantage, your invisbility ends early. You can use this an amount of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) per encounter.

Mani Katti

At level 20, you’ve created your own true strength, able to land dozens of hits on people in a matter of seconds, oblitterating them. As an action, and expeding 5 stacks of dread minimum, you uppercut the sky, and teleport to the closest enemy creature within 30ft of you, constantly teleporting & blinking around them, landing dozens of hits, attacking the creature an amount of times equal to your dread stacks, making an individual attack roll for each attack, all attacks after the 6th attack have disadvantage against the creature. Merciless Blade does not apply to Mani Katti.


A Blindseer is a person who vows to not let the horrors of the world pierce their tightly fastened blindfold. As everything is simply as we choose to perceive it. Wearing a blindfold at all times, with a giant glowing eye coming from the center of the blindfold signifying their oath. (DC for abilities = 8 + Wisdom + Proficiency Bonus)

Blinded by Oath

At level 3, you’ve taken the oath of a Blindseer, keeping one’s eyes safe from the horrors of the world via a blindfold around one’s eyes. Although the mystic glowing eye on your blindfold grants some limited vision, effectively making it your own eye, you have a -2 on Perception Checks (Wisdom). But this mystic eye filters out the horrors of this world, granting you advantage on Wisdom saving Throws that involve having to see something.


At level 3, you soothe the minds of others, removing any mental afflictions that may occur to them, while also healing them of minor wounds that may occur in battle. As an action & expending 5 Ether, you heal all allied creatures within 15ft of you, healing them 1d6 Hit Points, while also removing mental afflictions from them, keeping them calm, removing the Charmed & Frightened condition from them. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you remove the mind soothing properties and instead only focus on healing off the physical wounds that occur during battle, healing 3d6 Hit Points but no long removing the Frightened & Charmed conditions, while also costing a 10 Ether now instead of 5 Ether. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, you cure more conditions and heal far greater at the cost of more ether, now healing 4d8 Hit Points and also curing the Frightened, Charmed, Deafned, & Blinded conditions, although costing 20 Ether now. Mindsoothe has a 3 turn cooldown before it can be used again.

Tranquil Circle

At level 7, you’ve learned to create a circle of tranquility, blocking out and preventing magics, all harmful, positive, and even magic from yourself. As an action, and expending 15 Ether, you create a field around yourself, being a 30x30ft circle around yourself, anyone in this field including yourself, is immune to all magic, they cannot recieve conditions from magic, they cannot be damaged by magic, nor can they be healed by magic, you may also not cast magic while in Tranquil Circle, this field lasts until the end of your next next turn. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, the field instead follows you around and requires a constant flow of ether, all creatures within 10ft of you have the effects of Tranquil Circle as well as yourself expending 5 ether at the start of your turn, Tranquil Circle ends if you have no ether, or if you choose to end it as a bonus action. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, Tranquil Circle becomes exponentionally larger, as well as the effect lingering on all creatures besides yourself or your own allies, Tranquil Circle now becomes a 60x60ft area that you place down, if a creature besides yourself or your allies leaves the area, the effects of Tranquil Circle still linger on them, until the end of the creatures next turn, they will still have the effects of Tranquil Circle, this costs 25 Ether to use. Tranquil Circle has a 3 turn cooldown after it goes away before Tranquil Circle can be used again.

All-Seeing Eye

At level 11, the mystic eye which you see the world through now can percieve the unpercievable. All invisible creatures that are within 60ft of you are now marked by the symbol of the eye of your oath, a creature that has the benefits of the Invisible condition do not apply to you and you can attack Invisible creatures that are marked without disadvantage, and they do not have advantage with attacks against you. At level 15, at the end of a long rest or short rest, you can choose up to 5 other creatures to gain the effects of All-Seeing Eye, for each creature, your max amount of ether is reduced by 5.

Sightless Beam

At level 20, you can fire out a high pressure beam from the mystic eye on your blindfold, charging it up and unleashing a devestating beam that shreds everything in your path. As a full turn, you start winding up and charging up Sightless Beam, while also expending 30 Ether, at the start of your next turn, you start firing out the beam, being a 45ft line infront of you, this beam lasts 3 turns, and you can always cancel it early, and you may turn around while using Sightless Beam, all creatures that are put into this 45ft line infront of you must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or take 12d6 Force Damage, on success take half damage, on failiure take full damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you instead fire off a cone of this beam’s energy, instead of a 45ft line infront of you, it is instead a 25ft cone, that deals 8d6 Force Damage instead of 12d6 Force Damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, you instead fire off a much weaker beam, although this makes it far more versitile in battle, instead of a full action to wind up, it only takes an action to instantly fire off this beam, dealing 8d6 Force Damage.



The power of the sun, in the palm of your hand. Flamecharm allows you to utilize the song and the ether you wield to conjure up fire. (Mantra casting modifier Proficiency Bonus + Charisma Modifier, Mantra Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Charisma Modifier)

Fire Blade

At level 2, your Flamecharming is still weak, but still allowing you to perform some minor things such as enhancing your weapon with flames. As an action and expending 5 Ether, you do an overhead attack with your weapon against a creature in your weapons range, making a weapon attack roll on the creature, if this attack lands, it deals 1d8 Fire Damage + Your weapons damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you instead do a whirlwind slash hitting all creatures within 10ft of you, but at a reduced damage of only 1d6 Fire Damage + Your Weapon’s damage, although this comes at an increased cost of 10 Ether instead of 5. When you apply Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, when you instead shoot off the fire off of your blade and launch it at your enemies, all creatures in a 15x90ft infront of you must all make a Dexterity Saving Throw, on failiure they take 6d6 Fire Damage + 2d8 Slashing Damage, on success, they take half damage. Fire Blade has a 3 turn cooldown before it can be used again.

Flame Palm

At level 6, you take a page out of a Wizard’s and Sorcerer’s books of shooting fire out of their hands and changing it to fit your ether casting method. As an action and expending 10 Ether, you fire off a cone of fire from one of your palms, creating a 15ft cone of fire infront of you, any creature in this area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw, DC = Mantra Save DC, dealing 3d6 fire damage to any creature that fails, and only half to any creature that succeeds the saving throw, any creature that fails also gets set on fire, at the start of each of their turns they take 1d4 fire damage, they may use their action to put out the fire. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, the cone size increases to 45ft Cone, while only dealing 2d4 Fire damage and not setting creatures on fire. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, you highly concentrate the flame, only able to target 1 creature within 5ft of you, dealing 4d12 Fire Damage, and the damage caused by setting the enemy on fire now deals 1d10 fire damage. This ability has a 2 turn cooldown before being able to be used again.

Flame Assault

At level 9, you learn to charge forward with your flame, spinning midair forcing all creatures in your path to face your flame’s wrath, as an action, you charge 30ft forward, any creature in this area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw DC = Mantra Save DC, dealing 3d8 Fire Damage to any creature that fails, and dealing only half to all creatures that succeed, and costs 10 Ether. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you instead go upwards 30ft, bringing all creatures within 5ft of you up into the air, and dealing the same exact amount of damage with no change to the ether cost. When applying Oath Ability Modification 2, you go forward 90ft, but deal no damage. This charge allows you to go over gaps aswell, allowing you to traverse the universe far quicker than usual. This ability has a 2 turn cooldown before being able to be used again.

Ash Slam

At level 13, you slam the ground in front of you, creating a devestating explosion of fire, turning the ground to ash. In front of you, as an action and expending 30 Ether, create a 30x30ft area infront of you, turning this area into ash and dust, any creature in this area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or take 2d8 Fire + 2d12 Bludgeoning Damage, all creatures that succeed take half damage. When Applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, the size increases to a 45x45ft Square, but reduces the damage of both types by 1d12. There is no Oath Ability Modification Tier 2 for this ability. This ability has a 3 turn cooldown before being able to be used again.


Frostdraw allows the user the ability to manipulate temperature to crystallize the water in the air utilizing the song and ether within the user. (Mantra casting modifier Proficiency Bonus + Wisdom Modifier, Mantra Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Wisdom Modifier). Every time you land a hit on a creature with a Frostdraw Mantra until the end of their turn, their speed is cut in half.

Ice Beam

At level 2, you learn to fire off a beam of ice from your hand, everything in your path being shot by it. As an action and expending 5 Ether, you fire off a 5x60ft beam of ice at your enemy, all creatures in this area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC = Mantra Save DC), or take 2d6 Cold Damage and be pushed back to the end of the ice beam’s range, if this results in a creature being slammed into a wall, they take an additonal 1d6 bludgeoning damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification 1, you create a far more larger blast of ice, being 15x15x60ft large, and dealing 5d6 Cold Damage, with a 20 Ether Cost. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, you concentrate the beam into a far more powerful one with reduced range, 5x20ft range, and dealing 8d8 Damage. This ability has a 2 turn cooldown before being able to be used again.

Ice Dagger

At level 6, you learn to create 3 daggers of ice to throw at an enemy. As an action and expending 10 Ether, you make 3 attacks against creatures within 45ft of you, using your spell casting modifier, each attack deals 1d4 Piercing + 1d4 Cold Damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you instead create 3 ice blades that you can slash with, these blades deal increasased damage although, dealing 1d8 Slashing Damage + 1d6 Cold Damage, when slashing, you land 3 attacks with the blades againstt creatures within 5ft of you, with a cost of 15 Ether. Oath Ability Modification Tier 2 is unavailable for this ability. This ability has a 2 turn cooldown before being able to be used again.

Ice Lance

At level 9, you can conjure up a lance made of ice and charge forward at your enemies piercing them with the lance. As an action and expending 20 Ether, you charge forward 30ft piercing anyone with your lance in your way, all creatures in the path must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or take 3d6 Piercing + 2d6 Cold Damage, all creatures that succeed take half damage from the lance. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, the Lance is unavoidable, but only deals 1d6 Piercing + 2d6 Cold Damage, and the range is reduced to 20ft. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, you instead swing the lance around, creating a 25ft Square centered on you, everyone besides you takes damage.


At level 13, you can enter a state of Cryostasis in the midst of combat, allowing you to heal your wounds while protecting yourself. Using your whole turn & expending 40 Ether you incase yourself in ice, for 3 turns you cannot do anything, at the start of every turn you’re encased in this ice, you heal 2d12 hit points, also while in this ice, you have immunity to all damage except for psychic damage, if any creature gets within 10ft of this ice, they are pushed back 20ft and take 2d6 Cold Damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, Iceberg lasts 5 turns now and costs an additional 10 extra Ether. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, Iceberg only lasts 1 turn, but you heal 6d8 hit points, and costs 10 less Ether.


You harness the power of lightning and thunder conjuring it up with the power of the song within you and the ether you utilize as well. A far more powerful attunement compared to the others, but also far more costly. (Mantra casting modifier Proficiency Bonus + Intelligence Modifier, Mantra Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Intelligence Modifier). When ever a creature is hit by your Thundercall Mantra, they must make a Constitution Saving Throw (DC = Mantra Save DC - 5), or be paralyzed until the start of their next turn.

Lightning Blade

At level 2, your Thundercalling ability starts to manifest, allowing you to turn whatever weapon you use into a conductor of your lightning. As an action and expending 5 Ether, you make 2 attack rolls using your Mantra casting modifier and slash twice at a creature within your weapons range, dealing 2d6 Lightning Damage, these hits could be targeted at 2 different creatures. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you only deal 1d6 Lightning Damage extra, but can choose the expend more than 5 Ether, for each additional 5 Ether, you deal an additional 1d6 Lightning Damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, you deal 5d12 Lightning damage extra, but only strike once. This has a 2 turn cooldown before this ability can be used again.

Lightning Beam

At level 6, you summon a beam of lightning from your hands and fire it off. As an action and expending 15 Ether, you fire off this beam, making a 5x45ft beam infront of you, all creatures must make a Dexterity Saving Throw, or take 4d6 Lightning Damage, on success take half damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, the beam is 20ft longer but costing an additional 5 Ether. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, the beam becomes far more powerful and larger, a 15x75ft beam of lightning, dealing 10d6 Lightning Damage, making the mantra cost 35 Ether. This ability has a 2 turn cooldown.

Lightning Clones

At level 9, you create clones of yourself. As an action and expending 20 Ether, you summon a clone of yourself which takes it’s turn right after yours, you also controll this clone when the clone takes it’s turn, this clone has 1 hit point and has all the same stats as you and also all the same equipment as you. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you summon 2 clones instead of one, but at the end of their turn, they instantly vanish, costing an additional 5 ether. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, when a Lightning Clone dies, the creature that kills it takes 2d6 Lightning Damage. This has a 4 turn cooldown.

Grand Javelin

At level 13, you earn to launch a javelin made of pure lightning with effectively infinite stopping power, launching the creature hit by it flying in the direction it goes. As an action and expending 20 Ether, you launch a javelin at a creature within 60ft of you, making a ranged spell attack on them, dealing 3d12 Lightning Damage. When a creature is hit by Grand Javelin, they get sent flying backwards with the Grand Javelin, sending them back 30ft, for each size catagory a creature is larger than medium, they get sent back 10 less feet. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you launch 3 smaller Grand Javelins that only deal 2d8 Damage each but you can fire each one at different targets, only carrying them 10ft back less. This mantra does not have a Modification Tier 2.


Galebreathing allows you to call up the wind and control the air, manipulating it to strike your foes and allowing you to flow with the wind itself. (Mantra casting modifier Proficiency Bonus + Dexterity Modifier, Mantra Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Dexterity Modifier).

Gale Lunge

At level 2, As an action and expending 5 Ether, you can dash forward up to 45ft to a creature, and make an attack roll on that creature, dealing damage equal to the weapon you are currently using plus 1d6 Magical Piercing Damage, you can also dash across gaps using Gale Lunge. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you dash 60ft but remove the 1d6 Magical Piercing Damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, you deal an additional 4d6 Magical Piercing Damage, while costing 20 Ether now, and dashing 80ft. This ability has a cooldown of 2 Turns.

Wind Gun

At level 6, you gain the ability to fire off a powerful penetrating shot made of wind. As an action and expending 10 Ether, you fire off a shot at a creature within 90ft of you, making a ranged magical attack on them, dealing 2d6 Magical Piercing + 2d8 Magical Bludgeoning damage to one creature. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you instead fire 3 indivdual shots, although weaker, with only 60ft range and only dealing 1d6 Magical Piercing + 2d6 Magical Bludgeoning Damage, also costing 20 Ether. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, instead of firing off a bullet, you instead launch a giant blade made of wind infront of you, all creatures in a 15x90ft area infront of you are hit by the blade, they must make a Dexterity Saving Throw dealing 4d12 Slashing Damage, on a success they take half damage, on a fail they take full damage. This ability has a 2 turn cooldown. Wind Gun automatically applies Suffocation on creatures that are hit by it until the end of your next turn.

Gale Punch

At level 9, you create a spinning vortex of wind infront of you, pushing things backwards and dealing high amounts of damage although with low range. Using an action and expending 15 Ether, you punch forward, creating a 15ft cone infront of you dealing 6d6 Magical Bludgeoning Damage and pushing all creatures hit by it 20ft back. All creatures hit must make a Strength Saving Throw dealing half damage on a success and not pushing them back also on a success. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, Gale Punch becomes a 30ft Cone, but deals only 4d6 Magical Bludgeoning and only pushing creatures back 10ft. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, Gale Punch can only hit a creature within 5ft of you, but dealing much higher damage, dealing 8d6 Magical Bludgeoning Damage, and pushing them back 30ft, costing 20 Ether now. This ability has a 3 turn cooldown.

Champions Whirlthrow

At level 13, you grab an opponent and starts spinning around with them using your galebreathing to make them spin much faster and launching them into the sky for them to fall to the ground. As an action and expending 30 Ether, you make a melee magic attack roll on a creature within 5ft of you, if it hits, you can choose to launch them anywhere within 30ft of you, as a result after all of this, they take 3d12 Magical Bludgeoning Damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you instead only slam them on the ground infront of you when grabbing them, dealing 1d12 additional bludgeoning damage. There is no Oath Ability Modification Tier 2 for this ability. This ability has a cooldown of 3 turns.


Shadowcasting lets you use the song and your ether to make the shadows into its own physical form, while also allowing you to drain ether out of creatures and to add it to your own reservoir of ether. (Mantra casting modifier Proficiency Bonus + Wisdom Modifier, Mantra Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Wisdom Modifier).

If you land a mantra on a creature, you recover 5 Ether, if you land a mantra on several creature at once, for each creature hit, recover 5 Ether (If Ether Expended is 5, you do not recover any Ether).

Dark Blade

At level 2, you create a slicing blade of dark energy, slicing an enemy infront of you. As an action and expending 5 Ether, you slash with a blade made from dark energy, making an melee spell attack roll on a creature within 5ft of you, dealing 1d6 Necrotic + 1d6 Magical Slashing Damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you instead dash forward 5-15ft, and unleash 2 of these slashes, this costs 15 Ether. When Applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, you unleash 3 slashes that each deal 1d8 Necrotic + 1d8 Magical Slashing Damage. This mantra has a cooldown of 2 turns.

Shadow Gun

At level 6, you fire off an awful blast of dark energy from your hand. As an action and expending 10 Ether, you fire off your shadow gun, a 5x20ft area infront of you is hit by the shadow gun, dealing 2d12 Necrotic Damage, all creatures hit by shadow gun must make a dexterity saving throw, on a success they take half damage, on a failiure they take full damage. If a creature succeeds the saving throw, you do not recover ether from that creature. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you instead create a barrage of shadow guns, instead of a 5x20ft area infront of you, it’s a 15x15ft square infront of you, costing 20 Ether, and only dealing 2d8 Necrotic Damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, the shadow gun deals far more damage, dealing 5d12 Necrotic Damage, but also instead of a beam, fires off a bullet of shadow, making an attack roll against a creature at max 90ft away from you, costs 30 Ether to cast. This mantra has a cooldown of 2 turns.

Shade Devour

At level 9, you use shadowcast to devour yourself, enhancing your damage. As a bonus action, you can use Shade Devour, dealing 4d6 Necrotic damage to yourself, for 3 turns after you use shade devour, you deal double damage dice with all weapons you’re proficient with.

Shade Bringer

At level 13, you create a giant greatsword out of shadow. As an action you create Shade Bringer, a weapon of mass destruction. It has the Two-Handed weapon property, dealing 1d10 Slashing + 1d12 Necrotic Damage, all hits you land with Shade Bringer recovers 5 Ether. All damage dealt by Shade Bringer is considered magical. For each turn you have Shade Bringer active, it drains your ether, when you summon Shade Bringer and at the start of every turn, it drains 10 Ether, as a bonus action you can de-summon shade bringer. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you instead create a Rapier, having the Light & Finesse Properties, while also dealing 1d8 Piercing + 1d6 Necrotic Damage, only draining 5 Ether, but cannot recover Ether with Shade Bringer. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, instead of using Shade Bringer for an extended period of time, you use it once, costing 35 Ether to use, but dealing 2d12 Magical Slashing + 2d12 Necrotic Damage, while able to hit 1 creature within 15ft of you, you recover 10 Ether if the creature is hit.


Light is to Void as Paint is to a Canvas - it draws out substance. Lightkeeping grants one the ability to control light, allowing one to create hardlight using it as a weapon, and also allowing one to heal another’s wounds, guiding others into the light. (Mantra casting modifier Proficiency Bonus + Wisdom Modifier, Mantra Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Wisdom Modifier).

Light Gun

At level 2, you jump into the sky and fire off 3 shots of bursting light, explosing on contact. As an action, and expending 5 Ether, you can fire off 3 shots within 90ft of you, each shot makes a 15x15ft square area centered on where it impacted, all creatures in the area take 1d6 Radiant Damage, all creatures hit by Light Gun must make a dexterity saving throw, on a success they take half damage, on a failiure they take full damage. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you deal more damage with these shots, dealing 2d6 Radiant damage instead of 1d6 Radiant, but costs an additional 5 Ether to cast. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, you fire off a more concentrated shot, although only firing one of them, dealing 8d6 Radiant Damage. This mantra has a 2 Turn Cooldown before it can be used again.

Luminescense Cure

At level 6, you learn to use your radiance and light to heal others of their wounds. As an action and expending 10 Ether, you heal 3d6 Hit Points of a creature within 30ft of you, while also curing the blindness, deafened, & poisoned conditions. For each 10 extra Ether your expend it heals an additional 2d6 Hit Points, when spending 30 Ether or more, it also cures the stunned & paralyzed condtions. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you heal an area around yourself instead of just one target, all allies in a 30x30ft area around yourself, are healed 2d8 Hit Points, while also healing yourself, this costs an additional 5 Ether to cast. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, you heal 1 creature or yourself with a 15ft range, you heal a creature or yourself 6d8 Hit Points, costing 20 Ether to cast. This mantra has a 3 Turn Cooldown before it can used again

Hardlight Shield

At level 9, you learn to create a radiant shield in your hand made of pure hardlight, almost entirely weightless in your hands. As a bonus action, you can create this hardlight shield, granting you a +2 to your armor class without needing a hand to use this shield, while wielding this shield, you also gain resistance to radiant & necrotic damage while this shield is active, at the start of every turn and when cast hardlight shield, you expend 5 ether to keep using the shield, if you are unable to expend the ether needed to use the shield, the shield goes away. You cannot have a shield while using this mantra. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you can instead give this shield to another person, granting them the same benefits it would give you. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, when casting Hardlight Shield, you can give the shield both to yourself and an ally, costing 10 Ether at the start of every turn and when casting it. This mantra has a 3 turn cooldown after disappearing until it can be used again.

Spear of Radiance

At level 13, you create a spear of radiance & hardlight, allowing you to use it as a weapon. As an action & expending 30 Ether, you create a Spear of Radiance, dealing 2d6 Magical Piercing + 1d8 Radiant Damage, with the versatile properties. As an action, while wielding this weapon, you cast light gun without modification, instead of dealing 1d6 Radiant damage, it deals 2d10 Radiant Damage, although after casting this version of Light Gun, the weapon disappears. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you instead create a flintlock of radiance, with the Range(30/90) & Reload(2) properties, you have infinite ammunition for this weapon. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 2, you instead create a Greatsword of Radiance, that deals 1d12 Slashing + 2d6 Radiant Damage, with the Heavy & Two-Handed properties. This mantra has a 3 turn cooldown after disappearing until it can be used again.


Ironsinging grants one the ability to manipulate and create various types of metals utilizing the song and ether in oneself. Instead of using mental capacity, it instead requires pure resiliance and concentration to use Ironsinging (Mantra casting modifier Proficiency Bonus + Constitution Modifier, Mantra Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Constitution Modifier).

Needle Barrage

At level 2,

Iron Skin

At level 6,

Metal Ball

At level 9,

Superior Ironsinging

At level 13,


Some people use otherworldly powers to overcome obstacles. Cast flame upon enemies, strike them with lightning. Some use frozen monoliths to pass large bodies of water, use the wind to soften the fall. While some, use the tools they are given to overcome roadblocks. Train your strength to flatten enemies, use the power of momentum to ignite flames. Use massive battleships to cross water, train legs to become steel. No light shows, no ice cubes, no static, no puffs of wind. Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Wisdom, Charisma, Intelligence. Hone your body to the perfect specimen. Use your bare hands to overcome all.
(All Attunementless Abilities are described at the end of the Attunementless section.)

Picking abilities

Instead of getting a few mantras as you progress, you can constantly swap out your Attunementless abilities for new ones. You can swap Attunementless abilities that are the same tier during a long rest. You can only have 1 Attunementless ability per tier.

Tier 1 Attunementless Abilities (Physical)

At level 2, you begin training and honing your body, granting you an ability of your choice, choosing from: Strong Left, Brace, or Adrenaline Rush. All Attunementless Abilities are described at the end of the Attunementless section.

Tier 2 Attunementless Abilities (Psychological)

At level 6, even the unmaterial and psychological training of your body has granted you an ability. You gain 1 Psychological Ability, choosing from: Gaze, Prediction, & Taunt.

Tier 3 Attunementless Abilities (Weaponry)

At level 9, your weapon training itself has granted you an Attunementless Ability just from the amount of training you’ve had from your weapon. Choose from one of the following: Pressure Blast, Prominence Draw, or Rapid Slashes.

True Versatility

At level 13, your versatile training, dabbling in all that is your body, honing your body, honing your mind, and honing the blade has granted you the ability to have far more abilities than any other attunement with mantras. You can now have 2 Attunementless Abilities from all tiers.

Attunementless Abilities

List of all the Attunementless Abilities one can obtain while being Attunementless. All Attunementless Abilities share a cooldown, meaning if one is used, another one cannot be used in quick succession until the ability used goes off cooldown. All Attunementless Abilities only have 1 Ability Modification.

Strong Left

Winding up your fist, you unleash a devestating blow against your opponents. As an action, you make an attack roll against a creature within 5ft of you, if Strong Left hits you deal 2d6 Bludgeoning Damage and the creature hit must make a Strength Saving Throw (DC = 8 + Strength Modifier + Proficiency Bonus), or be sent flying backwards 15ft and be knocked prone, for each size catagory the creature is larger than medium, reduce the knockback by 10ft, on a success, the creature does not become prone and only gets sent 5ft backwards, no modification Strong Left has a 2 turn

cooldown. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, the knockback and damage becomes more powerful, now dealing 4d6 Bludgeoning Damage, and now knocking creatures back an additional 10ft, although the cooldown of Strong Left is increased to 4 turns.


Bracing yourself for all impacts, you increase your defensive capabilities. As an action, your brace yourself, lasting until the start of your next turn, while brace is active, if you were to ever take damage during it, you have resistance against all damage dealt to you (excluding psychic damage), if you already have resistance to that damage type, you instead treat it as if you had immunity to that damage type, this has a 3 turn cooldown before Brace can be used again. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, Brace lasts until the start of your next next turn, but has a far long cooldown of 5 turns.

Adrenaline Rush

Adrenaline enter’s your veins making a rush, making you more agile and swift. As an action, you may activate Adrenaline Rush, increasing your movement speed by 10ft, while also making you more reactive granting you an additional +1 to AC, you may also take the dash action as a bonus action, but you still only have the dash speed of before you used Adrenaline Rush, this lasts until the end of your next turn, with a cooldown of 2 turns. When applying Oath Ability Modifications Tier 1, the effects of Adrenaline Rush are far more powerful, now granting you 10 Temporary Hit Points, while also increasing your movement speed by 15ft, you dash at a normal speed, and you have a +2 to to your AC instead of +1, although the cooldown is now 4 turns.


Gazing into your opponenets soul, you intimidate them and attempt to drive them into insanity. As an action, you may choose to use Gaze on a creature within 45ft of you, the creature must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC = 8 + Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus), on failiure, they take 3d6 Psychic Damage, and be frightened of you until the end of the creature’s next turn, on success, you deal half of the Psychic Damage and do not frighten them, this has a 3 turn cooldown. When you apply Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, your Gaze strikes further fear and drives them further into insanity, making them scratch themselves in insanity, you now deal 5d6 Psychic Damage and the Frightened condition ends at the creatures next next turn, at the start of every turn they are Frightened, they take 1d6 + Their Strength Modifier Slashing Damage from scratching themselves in insanity, this has a cooldown of 5 turns instead of 3.


You predict the opponents strike, deflecting it and sending their own attack right back at them. As a reaction you deflect a creatures weapon attack, sending it back towards them, dealing the half the damage (rounded down) the attack would’ve done normally, this has a cooldown of 2 turns. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, Prediction now lasts for several strikes, Prediction now lasts until the start of your next turn, but now having a cooldown of 4 turns.


You taunt the enemy, enraging them and forcing them to strike you, while they become more reckless, they also become more powerful. As an action, you can taunt 1 creature within 45ft of you, they must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC = 8 + Charisma Modifier + Proficiency Bonus), on successs, the creature has a -2 to their own AC, they have disadvantage on all attacks against creatures other than yourself, but they have a +2 to attack rolls against you, and they double their ability score modifier for dealing damage against you, at the start of every turn while they are taunted they must retake the Wisdom Saving Throw, on success they are no longer taunted, on failiure they are still taunted, this has a cooldown of 3 turns. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you increase the DC of the Wisdom Saving Throw by 2, they also have a -3 to their AC instead of a -2, but they have a +3 to all attack rolls made against you, this now has a 5 turn cooldown.

Pressure Blast

Using the weight of your weapon, unleash a powerful pressure blast from your weapon, allowing you to push back your enemies. As an action, you launch pressure blast, all creatures in 15x15ft square infront of you must make a Strength Saving Throw (DC = 8 + Strength Modifier + Proficiency Bonus), or take 2d6 Bludgeoning Damage and also be launched back 10ft, on success, only get launched half the distance (rounded to the closest multiple of 5), and only take half damage, for each 3 pounds your weapon weighs, deal an extra 1d6 Bludgeoning Damage and launch an extra 10ft backwaards, the cooldown is 3 turns. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, the increase of damage is a 1d8 instead of a 1d6 now, and the extra launch distance is 15ft, the cooldown for this is 5 turns.

Prominence Draw

You close the distance on the enemy and perform a whirlwind slash hitting all near you. As an action you target a creature within 30ft of you and dash towards them instantly slashing the area around you, making a weapon attack on all creatures within 5ft of you after dashing towards a creature, if the weapon attack hits, it deals the same damage as your weapon, but you double your ability score modifier for the damage roll, this hasa cooldown of 3 turns. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you instead hit all creatures within 10ft of you and are also able to dash up to 60ft, but the cooldown now becomes 4 turns.

Rapid Slashes

You instantly blink to the closest enemy and slash them rapidly. As an action, you teleport to a creature within 20ft of you, hitting them several times, if you use a weapon with the heavy or two-handed property you attack once, if you use a weapon with the light or finesse properties you attack thrice, you also attack thrice if you are using unarmed combat, but if you are using a weapon without either of those properties, attack twice, if you have the fighting style for the weapon you are using to atttack (Fist Weapon Mastery, Light Weapon Mastery, Medium Weapon Mastery, and Heavy Weapon Mastery), you land an additional slash, this has a cooldown of 3 turns. When applying Oath Ability Modification Tier 1, you land an extra slash, but the cooldown increases to 4 turns.

Weapon Enchants (Blessings)

Enchants that can be applied on Weapons, with little to no downside that have minor benefits.


The weapon enchanted now deals an additional 1d10 Fire Damage on hit. The weapon is hot to the touch, and is visibly ablaze.


After hitting a creature, you deal an additional 1d6 Cold Damage, while also reducing the creature’s movement speed by half of their movement speed. The weapon is cold to the touch, while the weapon also looks as if it was made of pure ice.


This enchant slowly applies the damage to the creature you hit over time, when you hit a creature, they take the damage your weapon deals, the dice type being reduced by 1 (If you deal 1d10 damage, it will deal 1d8 damage, if your weapon deals 1d4 damage, it still deals 1d4 damage), at the start of their turn for 3 turns, the turns reset every time you hit the creature. The weapon is completely black, while being covered in this thick yellow and red haze.


After hitting a creature 2 times within 5 turns, your weapon creates an explosion on them, dealing severe damage to them. This deals 3d6 Fire Damage + 2d6 Bludgeoning Damage. The weapon starts giving off orange and red sparks, while also making the weapon glow a bright orange, almost as if it were just about to explode.


After hitting a creature, they cannot move more than 10ft away from you for 2 turns, if they try to move beyond that 10ft, they immidiatly get flung back to within 5ft of you, when using a ranged weapon, if hitting a creature more than 10ft away from you, they get instantly flung to within 5ft of you. The weapon becomes slightly pink and has a pink haze over the weapon, it also feels oddly sticky to hold, giving you a nice grip on the weapon.


After hitting a creature 3 times in a row, they suffer from the effect of Grim that lasts 2 turns, Grim reduces the creature affected by Grim its AC by 2, Grim also makes it so that the creature affected by it gets hit by Critical Attacks on 19 & 20. The weapon is completely black and is covered in a red mist, when enemies are affected by Grim, they become covered in the same red mist the weapon is.


When above 75% or below 25% of your Max Hitpoints (Rounded down), you have a +2 to all attack rolls you make, and the damage dice you deal with the weapon is upgraded by 1 die (An example would be if you dealt 1d8 damage with the weapon, you now deal 1d10 damage). The weapon glows yellow with some of the same yellow floating around the weapon.


When landing a hit on a creature, apply “Nemesis” on the creature, this effect lasts 2 turns. If there is a(re) creature(s) with Nemesis applied on them, you can use your full turn to deal your weapon’s damage on all of them, this doesn’t work if they are not within 60ft of you. The weapon is coverd in a rose colored mist, with rose colored eyes appearing on the weapon moving in random directions on the weapon, when a creature has Nemesis applied on them, they have a rose colored eye on the part where the creature was hit.


When landing a hit on a creature your movement speed increases by 10ft for the rest of the turn. If a creature has resistance to the weapon’s damage type, you ignore it. If you miss a creatures AC by 2 or 1, you deal half damage. The weapon becomes completely clear, with the only thing showing its prescense is a faint white mist around the weapon.

Providence Thorns

If a creature hits you twice in a row and misses both of them, they take damage equal to the weapon’s damage, ignoring resistance. The weapon glows in bright white light with little white bits of light surrounding the weapon.


When hitting a creature twice, you gain an increase on your Attack Roll by +1 for the rest of the combat, while also dealing an additional 1d4 Fire + 1d4 Radiant Damage, the Attack Roll bonus stacks up to +4 at max. As you gain a higher Attack Roll bonus, the weapon feels more hot to the touch. The weapon glows yellow, while giving off yellow rays of light around the weapon as well.


When hitting a creature with a weapon enchanted with Solar, you deal an additional 1d6 Radiant Damage. You also gain the ability to Burst, twice every short rest, you can Burst as a reaction. If you are hit by 2 or more melee attacks by creatures, as a reaction you can Burst, shoving all creatures away from you 15ft. The weapon glows a bright orange with orange orbs of the same color orbiting around the weapon.


If a creature is wearing armor or has a shield, your weapon is able to break it down. When attacking a creature that is wearing armor or wields a shield, you can permamently break down the shield, removing the AC granted by the shield, if the creature is wearing armor, when you hit the creature, the armor is broken (unless if it’s light armor), reducing the AC granted by it by 2 until the end of the fight. The metal parts of the weapon become covered in an extremely hard rock, that seems to be even more tough than the metal the weapon would usually be made out of.


On hit you deal 1d8 Lightning damage, while also stunning them lightly, making them unable to react for a bit, after hitting the creature with the weapon, they are unable to take a reaction for the rest of the turn. The weapon glows purple with purple lightning sparks around the weapon.


On hit deal 1d8 Lightning Damage, as an action, you can throw the weapon at an enemy, when making a ranged attack with the Stormbreaker weapon, you can choose to use strength instead of dexterity for the attack and damage rolls, dealing normal damage of the weapon and with a range of (30/90), that deals twice the damage of the base weapon. At the end of your turn after throwing the weapon it takes a while to return, at the end of your next turn the weapon will come back to you. The weapon is flashing blue with blue lighting rapidly sparking from the weapon, when thrown, it creates a thunder sounding like boom.

Tears of Wyrms

When hitting an enemy with a critical hit, you create 3 bubbles that come from the weapon, tracking down the closest target and hitting them with magical force. The bubbles move 45ft closer to the closest creature (excluding your allies), the bubbles move at the start of your turn, when the bubbles come into contact with the creature that is closest to them, the take 3d6 Force Damage. If the bubbles do not hit a creature within 3 turns of their creation, they pop and disappear into thin air. The weapon emits bubbles, while also creating this blue and black mist surrounding the weapon, the bubbles smell like salt water and make everything around it smell like it. If the bubbles are created in water, the bubbles instead just float upwards 30ft at the start of each turn of your turns.

Umbral Knight

When you hit a creature, roll 1d6, on a 6 you deal an additional hit of your weapon without the stat modifier on the damage. The weapon turns blue with a black and red mist around the weapon.


When you hit a creature, you heal equal to half the damage you deal, if you land a critical hit, you heal equa to the damage dealt. The weapon glows pink with some red flecks on the weapon.


When attacking creatures that are non-humanoids, you land critical hits on 18, 19, 20. While also having a +2 on attack rolls against non-humanoid creatures. The weapon is covered with glowing blue galaxy with small stars around the weapon.

Weapon Enchants (Curses)

Curses are similar to Blessings, although far more powerful, but power, always comes at a cost.

Curse of Bloodthirsty

Your weapon deals an additional 1d10 of the damage type the weapon is, but everytime you miss an attack by 2 or more, you take 1d4 Necrotic Damage, this Necrotic Damage pierces resistances and immunities, if this damage were to knock you unconcious or kill you, you instead don’t and remain at the same amount of hit points. The weapon glows red, making the weapon smell of blood.

Curse of the Umbral Knight

A corrupted version of the Umbral Knight Blessing, now if you roll 1d4 and land on a 4, you create a clone of yourself that deals 2 hits of your weapon, but you take damage equal to the weakest of those 2 hits. The weapon looks identical, although the blue turns into a more blue-heavy purple.

Curse of The No-Life King

While using this weapon, you gain a passive 1d10 hit points at the start of each of your turns while in combat. When hitting a creature with this weapon, you quadrouple the additional damage added from your stat modifier, this extra damage is considered Necrotic, healing you 1d8 Hit Points for every kill that you get with the weapon. But this power, comes at a high cost, when you are knocked unconcious and make death saving throws, if you fail a singular roll, you instantly die, all healing that is given to you is cut in half (Long Rests only recover half of your max hit points and half your hit die as well). You can remove this enchant by applying Holy Water on it, turning it back to the original weapon.

Curse of The Drowned God

When you hit a creature, you deal extra damage equal to 15% of your max hit points (Use calculator, also rounded down), with a cooldown of 4 Turns before being able to do this damage again. Also, everytime this lands, roll 1d8, on a 1, you take damage equal to 10% of

your max hit points (Rounded up), if this damage were to knock you unconcious or kill you, take no damage.

Armor Enchants

Armor Enchants have no curses whatsoever, being more like blessings rather than curses. Being put mostly on armor sets, although sometimes and rarely, Jewelry or Hats have enchants placed on them only for the looks, although they still function.


When hit by a creature that is more than 10ft away, roll 1d4, on a 4, a pink string is attached to them from your armor, sending them flung to within 5ft of you. The piece of equipment that has adhesive has this pink haze around it.


When you are hit by a creature within 5ft of you, roll 1d4, on a 4, the armor bounces them away, dealing only half the damage that would’ve happened and pushing them away 5ft.


Every time you’re hit with an attack, roll 1d4, on a 4, the next time you choose to take the dash action, you can do it as a bonus action (If you have Cunning Action, Dashing now becomes a free action). The enchant has white lines flickering from clear to white around the armor piece.


When an armor is drowned it becomes far more powerful with no real special effects, the armor grants an additional +2 AC.


When hit with an attack, you roll 1d10, on a 10, entanglement activates for 2 turns, while entanglement is active, you have resistance to all damage types, but your movement speed is reduced to 5ft. The piece of equipment with Entanglement has particles of light around it, cycling colors between green, cyan and yellow.


Once every short rest, you can activate Ferocity, increasing your movement speed by 20ft and increasing your attack roll by +2. The armor with this enchant is permanently stained with blood, while blood also drips from it, might be a slight issue when wearing this somewhere public… You have disadvantage on Persuasion (Charisma) checks while wearing this enchant.


When you are hit by a creature, roll 1d8, on an 8, the creature becomes charmed by you until the end of their next turn, the charming nature of this armor grants you an additional +2 to Persuasion (Charisma) checks. The armor with this enchant has small hearts coming off of it.

Alloyed Weapons

A Pluripotent Alloy is a liquid metal that can be applied to weapons and is able to draw out it’s “inner strength” making the weapon more powerful. The discovery of Pluripotent Alloys is said to have sparked the development of Ironsinging, an attunement used to bend and create metal to one’s will.
Weapons that are alloyed have different properties than their non-alloyed counter parts.

Versatile Weapons: When a versatile weapon is alloyed, they always do damage as if they were two-handing the weapon even if they are only one handing it.

Melee Two-Handed/Heavy Weapons: When a Melee weapon with the Two-Handed/Heavy properties is alloyed, they lose the Heavy property, and gain the versatile property, the versatile damage being an additional 1d4 to the damage roll.

Melee Finesse/Light Weapons: When a Melee weapon with either the Finesse or Light property is alloyed, it gains the property it doesn’t have (if a weapon with the light property doesn’t have finesse, it gains the finesse property and vice versa). If a weapon already has both properties, it gains an additional +1 to the damage rolls made with the alloyed weapon.

Additional Rules & Actions

This section provides new actions and rules for combat. They can be added as a group or indvidually to your game. These new additional actions are designed for high-magic campaigns where magic flows through everything and also for Dungeon Masters who want more far more flashy battles.


As a reaction, before you get hit by an attack, you intake the magical energy around you, compressing it, and then suddenly and swiftly venting out the magical energy compressed. All creatures within 5ft of you when you take this reaction must make a Strength Saving Throw (DC = 10 + Proficiency Bonus) or get pushed back, on failiure, the creature gets pushed back 30ft, on success only gets pushed back 10ft. This can be used an amount of time equal to your proficiency bonus, these uses recharge at the end of a short or long rest.


You can uppercut your foe sending them upwards with you that can lead up into a devestating combo. As an action, when you make an attack roll with your weapon and land a hit, you can instead choose to uppercut, dealing 1d4 Bludgeoning Damage, bringing yourself

and the creature you hit 25ft upwards into the sky. While in the sky with your enemy from an uppercut you can choose to take any action from there besides the dash action, if you decide to cast a spell or attack the creature with your weapon again and the attack or spell misses, the creature blocks the attack and pushes you backwards, sending you backwards 20ft and themselves backwards 20ft, as a reaction, the creature that blocked the attack can make a weapon attack on the opposing creature as they fall.

Magic Items and Weapons

Poser’s Ring

Uncommon Magic Item (Requires Attunement)

When hitting a creature with a Katana, Rapier, Dagger, or Longsword, you do not deal damage, but instead apply 1 Poser stack. The next time you sheath your weapon, you deal all the damage you would’ve done plus 1 extra damage for each poser stack (Ex: If you’re using a rapier that deals 1d8 piercing damage with a +2 to damage from your dexterity modifier, and you have 3 poser stacks on a creature, when you sheath your weapon, you would deal 3d8+5 Piercing damage to the creature.)


Legendary Magic Weapon (Requires Attunement)
Damage: 3d8 (3d10) Magical Slashing Damage
Properties: Reach, Versatile, Heavy

Upon hitting a creature you gain a Spark, with each Spark, the Railblade sparks a bit, on your second Spark, the weapon starts sparking more, on your third Spark, the weapon starts to fully spark and glows orange, the weapon also becomes hot to the touch. The weapon can only have 3 Sparks at maximum.

Sparkblade: When hitting a creature with 3 Sparks, you can choose to expend all the sparks and hit the creature with a devestating fiery explosion, dealing an additional 2d12 Fire Damage.

Flaming Tornado: As an action, and expending 3 Sparks, you spin around in a flaming tornado, all creatures within 10ft of you must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Strength Modifier), or take 1d12 Fire + 2d10 Magical Slashing Damage. On success, take half damage, on failiure, take full damage.

Warding Radiance: While you have 2 or 3 Sparks, the heat from the blade protects you against the cold, granting you resistance against all cold damage.

The Railblade is a powerful & legendary blade. Able to generate heat from the blade infinitely, protecting the user from all cold, magical or not. While also able to produce sparks and flames, it’s a wonder a mechanical weapon can produce such an affect, an engineering wonder.

Light’s Final Toll

Rare Magic Weapon (Requires Attunement)
Damage: 2d6 Magical Bludgeoning Damage
Properties: Special, Reach

Special: Every 4th hit with Light’s Final Toll, you soothe your own mind, healing yourself 1d8 Hit Points, while also removing the charmed and frightned conditions.

A spiritual lantern that floats besides you, imbedded within a set of prayer beads on a string that ties around your hand. The lantern follows the movement of your hand, swinging your arm swings the lantern. A reminder that all songs must always come to an end.

First Light

Rare Magic Weapon (+1 Greatsword)
Damage: 2d6 + 1 Slashing + 1d4 Fire Damage
Properties: Heavy, Two-Handed

Cutting Flames: When hitting creatures 3 times in a row without missing, the blade rains flaming blades from the sky, piercing anyone who is in its area. All creatures that start their turn within 20ft of you must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Strength Modifier) or get hit by a blade of fire, taking 1d6 Slashing + 1d6 Fire Damage, if a creature succeeds they do not get hit and take no damage, if a creature fails they take full damage. This effect lasts 2 turns, and can only be triggered again 3 turns after Cutting Flames ends.

Made of a crimson red steel, with designs and patterns of edges and gold crafted into it, rather than a basic flat blade with some carvings scratched into it. Although the First Light is still effective in combat, it’s mainly used for decoration or ceremonial purposes, an uncommon sight in the midst of a war.

Gran Sudaruska

Rare Magic Weapon (+1 Greataxe)
Damage: 1d12 + 1 Slashing + 1d4 Cold Damage
Properties: Heavy, Two-Handed

Rain of Ice: When hitting creatures 3 times in a row without missing, the axe rains ice from the sky, hitting anyone in the area. All creatures that start their turn within 20ft of you must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Strength Modifier) or get hit by a large chunk of ice, taking 2d6 Cold Damage, if a creature succeeds, they do not get hit and take no damage, if a creature fails, they take full damage. This effect lasts 2 turns, and can only be triggered again

3 turns after Rain of Ice ends.

Made with a dark steel, with cold magic imbedded into the weapon, creating a pattern made of ice in the main part of the battleaxe. This weapon is simply a replica of a legendary artifact, although this weapon is still useable, but just not as powerful as the original.

Hivelord’s Hubris

Damage: 3d12 Bludgeoning Damage
Weight: 75 Pounds
Properties: Special, Heavy, Two-Handed, Martial Melee Weapon

Special: The unwieldy and extremely heavy weight of the weapon makes this weapon extremely hard to use, you cannot use the weapon unless you have 16 Strength or Higher, you also cannot use this weapon if you do not have proficiency with Martial Melee Weapons. The immense size intimidates most, when making Intimidation (Charisma) checks against medium sized creatures or smaller with this weapon, you have advantage on the roll.

The Hivelord’s Hubris isn’t really a “weapon” but those with immense strength and skill can wield it as one, casuing devestating damage. Quite literally a hand ripped off of a Hive Mech, it is hard to obtain without the coin necessary to purchase one or the skill to not damage the arm of the Hive Mech.


Cost: 15 Gold Pieces
Damage: 1d8 Slashing
Weight: 2 pounds
Properties: Finesse

An exquisite blade of Etrean make, it’s said to have put the early Kingdom of Etrea’s name on the map. A fine quality blade like this is surely to give someone the impression that they are some “legendary hero”

Crypt Blade

Legendary Magic Weapon (+3 Greatsword, Requires Attunement)

Damage: 3d6 Slashing + 1d12 Necrotic Damage
Weight: 6 Pounds
Properties: Heavy, Two-Handed

Chained Domain: Plunging the Crypt Blade into the earth makes the blade release an area and chains your enemies to this area. As an action you plunge the crypt blade into the ground, making a 30x30ft circle on the ground centered on yourself, all creatures in this area upon the creation of the circle must use their reaction to dash out of the zone, if they cannot use their reaction, they are chained to this 30x30ft circle. If they attempt to leave the field via running, burrowing, or flying, the chains drag them back to the center of the circle, this chain lasts for 2 turns. If you hit a creature with the crypt blade while they are chained, you deal an additional 1d12 Necrotic damage and the creature that was hit is free from the chains, any attack that deals Necrotic Damage also triggers this. Any creature that is immune to necrotic damage or is a celestial are immune to the chains. You can use this ability twice until you have to take a long rest to regain the uses.

A dark grey greatsword with with engravings onto the blade. With a black faint smoke wraping the blade, A blade said to have been forged by the remains of the Last Dead, people who have been spared or fortunate enough to survive a terrible tragedy.

Curved Blade of Winds

Legendary Magic Weapon (+3 Scimitar, Requires Attunement)

Damage: 1d8 Slashing + 1d6 Force Damage
Weight: 3 Pounds
Properties: Finesse, Light, Versatile (2d8 Slashing + 1d6 Force Damage)

Weapon Duplication: The weapon is able to split into an exact replica of the Curved Blade of Winds, allowing you to dual wield the weapon, the replica can disappear at will and appear at will as a bonus action. Only the creature this is attuned to can wield the replica along side the original.

Aftercut: After you strike a creature with the second weapon as a bonus action, it also applies an Aftercut, dealing extra damage equal to the force damage the weapon deals.

Arial Blast: As an action, with a singular Curved Blade of Winds, you launch out a blast of wind, launching out a cross of powerful wind magic, making a weapon attack roll at a creature within 60ft of you, dealing 2d6 Slashing + 2d6 Force Damage. (You can only use this ability while you have 1 Curved Blade of Winds and not with the other Curved Blade summoned) You can only use this ability 5 times until you have to take a long rest to use it again.

Propelling Whirlwind: As an action, with both curved blades of wind, you use your curved blades to propel yourself in a whirlwind. You dash forward 30ft towards a creature, all creatures in your path and creatures within 5ft of that path must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 18) or take 3d8 Slashing + 2d8 Force Damage, on failiure they take full damage, on success they take half damage. (You can only use this ability while you dual wield 2 Curved Blade of Winds) You can only use this ability twice before having to take a long rest to regain the uses.

Flareblood Kamas

Legendary Magic Weapon (+3 Sickles, Requires Attunement)

Damage: 1d4 Slashing + 1d6 Necrotic
Weight: 2 Pounds
Properties: Finesse, Light

Self-Bleeding: The weapon requires humanoid blood to function, you must stab yourself with the bottom part of the Kamas, injecting blood into the weapon and allowing you to use Tainted Rising Blood. As an action you stab yourself, dealing 1d12 Piercing Damage to yourself, if you have immunity to Piercing Damage this ability cannot be used. When using this ability, you gain a singular Blood Charge, this Blood Charge can be used to cast Tainted Rising Blood.

Blood Draining: When landing a Critical Hit with Flareblood Kamas, you deal an additional 1d6 Necrotic Damage and heal for double that amount. You also gain 1 Blood Charge.

Tainted Rising Blood: You swing your Flareblood Kamas upwards, using the blood inside the weapon, tainted blood rises from the ground. As an action, you expend a Blood Charge and pick an area within 90ft of you, all creatures within 5ft of that point must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 17), on failiure take 4d12 Necrotic Damage, on success, take half that damage.

A twisted weapon devised by the Scholar of the Burning Blood, Chaser, during his apprenticeship under the Second Prophet. A seething concoction of tainted blood swirls within, waiting to be unburdened of its prison.

Petra’s Anchor

Rare Magic Weapon (+1 Maul, Requires Attunement)

Damage: 2d6 + 1 Magical Bludgeoning Damage
Weight: 10 Pounds
Properties: Heavy, Two-Handed

Petra’s Dawn: Winding up to strike with your anchor, you dash forward with your anchor infront of you, leaving a trail of water behind you. As an action, using Petra’s Anchor, you dash forward 30ft, all creatures in your path must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 15) or be directly hit by the Anchor, on failiure taking 4d6 Magical Bludgeoning Damage, on success taking half damage. After using Petra’s Dawn, as a bonus action you can make an overhead swing using your momentum after the dash to swing, allowing you to make an attack roll using Petra’s Anchor, this attack has disadvantage. Petra’s Dawn can be used only twice before you must take a long rest to regain the uses.

The anchor of the vessel “Petra’s Dawn”, famed for its voyage between Luminants without the aid of a Lightkeeper’s Gift. The ship, of course, did not make the return journey.

Parry Dagger

Cost: 5 Gold Piecs
Damage: 1 Piercing
Weight: 1 pounds
Properties: Finesse, Light, Special

Special: The parry dagger allows you to parry off attacks that may have just hit you, reducing the damage. If you are hit directly on your AC while wielding the parry dagger in your off hand, you instead take half damage from that attack instead of being hit. (If you have 14 AC and a creature rolls a 14 to attack you, they instead deal half damage.)

Poser’s Ring

Uncommon Magic Item (Requires Attunement)

When hitting a creature with a Katana, Rapier, Dagger, or Longsword, you do not deal damage, but instead apply 1 Poser stack. The next time you sheath your weapon, you deal all the damage you would’ve done plus 1 extra damage for each poser stack (Ex: If you’re using a rapier that deals 1d8 piercing damage with a +2 to damage from your dexterity modifier, and you have 3 poser stacks on a creature, when you sheath your weapon, you would deal 3d8+5 Piercing damage to the creature.)

Dawnfist Ring

Rare Magic Item

When attacking a creature, you have an attack roll bonus equal to half your strength modifier, and you also have a bonus damage roll equal to half your strength modifier

Maestro’s Ring

Rare Magic Item

When attacking a creature, you have an attack roll bonus equal to half your dexterity modifier, and you also have a bonus damage roll equal to half your dexterity modifier

Rosen’s Ring

Rare Magic Item

When attacking a creature, you have an attack roll bonus equal to half your intelligence modifier, and you also have a bonus damage roll equal to your intelligence modifier

Akira’s Ring

Rare Magic Item

When attacking a creature, you have an attack roll bonus equal to half your wisdom modifier, and you also have a bonus damage equal to your wisdom modifier

Prophet’s Ring

Rare Magic Item

When attacking a creature, you have an attack roll bonus equal to half your charisma modifier, and you also have a bonus damage roll equal to your charisma modifier

Ring of Pestillence

Rare Magic Item

When you hit a creature, you apply pestillence until the start of the creatures next turn. While a creature has pestillence, they heal half as much as usual


Large Aberration, Unalaigned

Armor Class
14 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points
18 (+4)9 (-1)16 (+3)4 (-3)7 (-2)6 (-2)
Condition Immunities
darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16


Claw Swipe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d6 + 4 Slashing Damage

Kick. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 2d6 + 6 Bludgeoning Damage, any creature hit by this move must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 14) to completely evade the attack and take no damage, on failiure, the creature hit gets kicked 45ft back and is knocked prone, on success, nothing happens.

Coral Needles. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 75ft., one target. Hit 2d4 + 4 Piercing Damage


Medium Humanoid, Unalaigned

Armor Class
11 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points
12 (+1)10 (+0)16 (+3)7 (-2)7 (-2)6 (-2)
Condition Immunities
darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10


Multiattack. The Mudksipper can take the claw action twice as an action.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d4 + 1 Slashing Damage


Large Aberration, Unalaigned

Armor Class
12 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points
14 (+2)16 (+3)16 (+3)7 (-2)9 (-1)8 (-1)
Condition Immunities
Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16


Multiattack. The Nautilodaunt can take the punch action three times as an action.

Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 2d4 + 2 Bludgeoning Damage

Pressure Washer. Ranged Magic Attack: A blast of water, creating a 5x60ft line infront of them, anybody in this line must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 14), or take 2d6 Bludgeoning + 1d6 Cold Damage. On a success, take half damage.


Huge Beast, Unalaigned

Armor Class
12 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points
90ft Swim Speed.
16 (+3)7 (-2)18 (+3)4 (-3)7 (-2)6 (-2)
Darkvision 60 ft. True Sight 90ft, passive Perception 16


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 2d6+3 Piercing Damage

Cero. Ranged Magic Attack: Recharge (5-6) Fire off a laser beam from its mouth, making a 15x15ft area being shot by it within 90ft of the Lionfish. All creatures in the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity Saving Throw or take 4d6 Force damage, on a success, take only half damage.


Large Humanoid, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class
18 (Plate)
Hit Points
18 (+4)14 (+2)18 (+4)12 (+1)10 (+0)8 (-2)
Condition Immunities
Blinded, Poisoned, Deafned
Darkvision 60 ft., True Sight 90 ft.
14 (13,000 XP)


Multiattack. The Enforcer can swing its weapon three times as an action, swing its weapon twice and kick, Enforcer Pull into a kick or a weapon swing, or Enforcer Pull into Spinning Greataxe.

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d12+6 Slashing Damage

Kick. Melee Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 3d6+2 Bludgeoning Damage, knocks the creature hit 15ft back.

Spinning Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: Recharge (6) The Enforcer spins around with its weapon out creating a vortex of cutting around the Enforcer, all creatures within 5ft of the Enforcer must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 16) or take 5d12 Slashing Damage, on success take half damage, on failiure take full damage.

Enforcer Pull. As a bonus action, target a creature within 120ft of the Enforcer, the Enforcer pulls the creature to within 5ft of the Enforcer. Once the Enforcer is killed, the eyes can be claimed from the Enforcer and the wielder of these eyes gains the ability to use Enforcer Pull.


Medium Monstrosity, Unaligned

Armor Class
10 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points
20ft Swim
4 (-3)7 (-2)10 (+0)1 (-5)7 (-2)4 (-3)
Condition Immunities
Blinded, Deafned
Blindsight 30ft.
1/2 (100 XP)


Electric Stun Pulse. Ranged Magic Attack: Recharge (1,3,6) The Gigamed releases a charge of electricity from its body, stunning all creatures nearby and hitting them wih a jolt of electricity. All creatures within 5ft of the Gigamed must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 11) or take 2d4 Lightning Damage, on success take half damage, on failiure take full damage and also make a Constitution Saving Throw (DC 10), on success nothing happens, on failiure be stunned until the end of your next turn.

King Gigamed

Huge Monstrosity, Unaligned

Armor Class
10 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points
40ft Swim
4 (-3)7 (-2)12 (+1)3 (-4)7 (-2)4 (-3)
Condition Immunities
Blinded, Deafned, Poisoned
Blindsight 90ft.
6 (2,300 XP)


Electric Stun Pulse. Ranged Magic Attack: Recharge (1-2) The King Gigamed releases a charge of electricity from its body, stunning all creatures nearby and hitting them wih a jolt of electricity. All creatures within 15ft of the Gigamed must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 15) or take 4d4 Lightning Damage, on success take half damage, on failiure take full damage and also make a Constitution Saving Throw (DC 13), on success nothing happens, on failiure be stunned until the end of your next turn. Creatures

Spawn Gigameds. Recharge (6) The King Gigamed launches out 3 normal Gigameds from its body. These Gigameds only have 1 hp and automatically can use Electric Stun Pulse, as soon as the normal gigameds use Electric Stun Pulse they instantly die.

How the fight should start out

After clearing out Duke Erisia’s Manor, the last room should be the party against The Duke of Erisia. Before the fight starts, there is a grace period where the party can rest up and fully heal before the fight starts, when they entire the main boss room, Duke Erisia should say “So you’re the one running about tripping my alarms. Care to explain yourself?”, the party may ask several questions about Duke Erisia such as what he is doing with The Forge, after several questions Duke Erisia states “There’s no real point in explaining further, as this is the end of the line. Even if you gave up on the Forge, I’m not about to let one who’s seen this Manor’s layout roam free. ” After this, the fight initiates

How the fight should be played out

Duke Erisia is a ruthless man, taking whatever means necessary to reach his end goal. This fight is intended to be ruthless, use Duke Erisia to his maximum power, at least 1 player is expected to die during this fight.

Layout of the Room

The area the fight starts is a 150ft diameter flat circle, with 5 poles around the arena with giant jars containing a red liquid, when this liquid is consumed as an action, the drinker obtains the benefits of a Potion of Greater Healing (4d4 + 4 hit points recovered), this can be used twice per jar, once Duke Erisia is out of Tempest Shield phase, the jars recover 1 use each.

Duke Erisia

Lawful Evil, Humanoid

Armor Class
13 (Aristocrat Coat, Padded Leather)
Hit Points
200 + 200 Temporary Hit Points
12 (+1)16 (+3)16 (+3)16 (+3)12 (+1)18 (+4)
Condition Immunities
Charmed, Frightned, Petrified, Poisoned

Tempest Shield. All attacks that are attmepted on Duke Erisia while he has Temporary Hit Points automcatically land and deal damage, dealing damage equal to the attack roll. (If you rolled a 1d20+6 for your attack roll against Duke Erisia, you deal damage equal to that roll). Also immune to all conditions while he has temporary hit poins.

Air Pressure. If a creature were to be knocked or is already knocked and got hit by, Aero Spear, Gale Stomp, Blinding Tempest, or Cyclone Bomb, they instantly die.


Multiattack. Duke Erisia can attack 3 times in 1 turn.

Iron Cestus. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d6 + 5) Bludgeoning Damage

Grab & Slam. Duke Erisia grabs a creature within 5ft of him, slamming them into the ground. Duke Erisia makes an Iron Cestus attack roll -2, if it lands the creature hit must make a Strength Saving Throw (DC 15), on failiure take 1d12+3 Bludgeoning Damage, on success, take half damage.

Aero Spear. (Recharge 6) Duke Erisia flies up into the sky temporarily firing off a lance made of gale. Magic Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 45ft., one target. Hit 12 (2d12 + 6) Magical Bludgeoning Damage. If Duke hits the creature, all creatures within 5ft of the creature hit take half damage that the Aero Spear dealt to the orginal creature hit.

Blinding Tempest. (Recharge 1) Duke Erisia launches out homing spheres made from the gale. All players must make a Dexterity Saving Throw, Duke Erisia teleports to the creature who rolls the lowest on their Dexterity Saving Throw, trapping them in the sphere, which then he kicks and punches the creature away, dealing 4d6 Bludgeoning Damage and punching the creature back 30ft away.

Gale Stomp. (Can only be used 3 times during the Tempest Shield phase, after that phase end Gale Stomp can be used an additional 2 times) Duke Erisia stomps the ground conjuring up a wave of the gale up from the ground towards the enemy. All creatures within a 60ft cone infront of Duke Erisia must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 16), all creatures that fail get hit by it, taking 6d8 Magical Bludgeoning Damage and also get knocked prone, all creatures that succeed take half damage.

Cyclone Bomb. (Can only be used once when out of Tempest Shield Phase) Duke Erisa rises up and starts charging up a Cyclone Bomb for 2 turns, a giant sphere made with the gale, during those 2 turns, he is immune to all damage. At the end of those 3 turns he launches the Cyclone Bomb at any point in his arena, all creatures within 30ft of that point must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 16), all that fail take 8d12 Magical Bludgeoning Damage, all creatures that succeed take half damage.


Tempest Counter. (Recharge 8) Duke Erisia quickly creates the Tempest Shield around himself before being attacked, the creature attempting to land an attack must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 18), on success the creature successfuly cancels its assault on Duke, on failiure, the creature hits Duke Erisia’s Tempest Counter, sending them backwards 40ft and them taking 3d6 Magical Bludgeoning Damage.

How the fight should start out

After clearing out Layer 2 Floor 1, they reach the end of this floor, now fighting the only thing in their way of either entering the second floor, or the only chance os escape, Chaser, Scholar of The Burning Blood. Before the fight starts, there is a grace period where the party can rest up and fully heal before the fight starts, when they entire the main boss room, Chaser should say “Oh, a [insert character race], far from home are we?”, the party may ask several questions about Chaser such as what Chaser is doing here and what he intends to do “Oh you don’t know? This tower sits atop New Kyrsa, the Sleeping City. There lies the so-called bedchambers of the Drowned God Ethiron. Together perhaps we could - ” and instantly attacks the party, if Chaser is hit during this conversation phase, he states “Aha, the first strike? Not one to mince words are we?” and the fight starts.

How the fight should be played out

Chaser is a selfish and a greedy man, taking whatever means necessary to reach his end goal. This fight is intended to kill at least 1 character

Layout of the Room

The area the fight starts is a 200ft diameter circle, with 30 Blood Jars scattered around (up to DM for placement), the blood jars are small sized. There are also pillars close to the border of the ring that could potentially have blood jars on them. If the fight is getting too deadly or if you think the fight should be easier, you may choose that when the blood jars are broken, they heal the creture that broke them

Chaser, Scholar of The Burning Blood (Phase 1)

Medium Humanoid (Adret), Lawful Evil

Armor Class
13 (Black Diver)
Hit Points
12 (+1)14 (+2)16 (+3)20 (+5)16 (+3)14 (+2)
Condition Immunities

Engage. When the fight starts, Chaser instantly is at the top of the initiative roll.

Tainted Blood. If an attack that were to hit Chaser and heal yourself at the same time, the healing gets cut in half. All attacks that hit knocked creatures instantly kill the creature hit.

Hemokenisis Shield. While Chaser is in the sky without all blood jars broken, he uses the blood from the jars to create a shield around himself, making him immune to all damage.

Blood Jar Healing.When Chaser gets back up from being knocked down by all his active Blood Jars being destroyed, he heals by 10x the amount of Blood Jars that will be active upon Chaser getting up.

Blood Jar Reliance. Chaser relies on his Blood Jars to keep himself alive, destroying a blood jar makes Chaser take 10 Damage.

Knocked down and out. While Chaser is knocked down from destroying all his active blood jars, he automatically fails all Strength & Dexterity Saving Throws.

Divers Onslaught. When Chaser uses an attack on a creature, it also attacks with the same attack on all creatures in his arena.

Enranging. If all Blood Jars are destroyed or if all Hit Points are reduced to 0, Chaser instantly goes into Phase 2.


Multiattack. Chaser can use 3 attacks in 1 turn.

Triple Blood Apendage. (Recharge 1-6) Ranged Magic Attack: +6 to hit, reach entire arena., all creatures in arena. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2 Necrotic), attacks 3 times. If the first hit doesn’t land the second one doesn’t and makes another attack roll on the 3rd one to see if it hits, If the first hit lands the second hit also lands and makes another attack roll on the 3rd one.

Powerful Blood Appendege. (Recharge 5-6) Chaser launches out a Powerful Blood Appendege at everyone in the arena, having a +2 to hit, if Powerful Blood Appendage lands the creature gets flung to the opposite side of the room and also takes 2d10 Necrotic + 1d8 Bludgeoning damage. If Powerful Blood Appendage just lands on the number of the creature’s AC or the creature’s AC+1, Powerful Blood Appendage only deals half damage.

Triple Blood Wave. (Recharge 1-2) Chaser sends out 3 blood waves on the ground, all creatures in Chaser’s arena must make 3 individual Dexterity Saving Throws (DC 14), if the first Dexterity Saving Throw fails, all blood waves land, if the second Dexterity Saving Throw fails but the first succeeds, only 2 blood waves land, and if the last Dexterity Saving Throw was failed but all the others succeeded, only 1 blood wave lands, and if all saving throws are succeeded, take no damage. Each Blood Wave deals 1d10 Necrotic Damage

Burning Blood Explosion. (Recharge, 3-6) Ranged Magic Attack: +7 to hit, reach entire arena., Hit 15 (4d6 +3 Fire). If a creature is standing within 5ft of another creature, an attack roll is additionally made on that creature as well, but at a reduced damage of half.

Chaser, Scholar of The Burning Blood (Phase 2)

Medium Humanoid (Adret), Lawful Evil

Armor Class
13 (Black Diver)
Hit Points
12 (+1)14 (+2)16 (+3)20 (+5)16 (+3)14 (+2)
Condition Immunities

Tainted Blood. If an attack that were to hit Chaser and heal yourself at the same time, the healing gets cut in half. All attacks that hit knocked creatures instantly kill the creature hit.

Hemokenisis Shield. While Chaser is in the sky without all blood jars broken, he uses the blood from the jars to create a shield around himself, making him immune to all damage.

Quick Exaustion. After Chaser’s turn, he instantly gets exausted and falls down. He automatically fails all Strength & Dexterity Saving Throws until the start of his next turn when he gets back up.

Divers Onslaught. When Chaser uses an attack on a creature, it also attacks with the same attack on all creatures in his arena.

Final Desperation. If all Hit Points are reduced to 0, Chaser instantly goes into Phase 3.


Multiattack. Chaser can use 5 attacks in 1 turn.

Triple Blood Apendage. Ranged Magic Attack: +7 to hit, reach entire arena., all creatures in arena. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2 Necrotic), attacks 3 times. If the first hit doesn’t land the second one doesn’t and makes another attack roll on the 3rd one to see if it hits, If the first hit lands the second hit also lands and makes another attack roll on the 3rd one.

Powerful Blood Appendege. Chaser launches out a Powerful Blood Appendege at everyone in the arena, having a +3 to hit, if Powerful Blood Appendage lands the creature gets flung to the opposite side of the room and also takes 2d10 Necrotic + 1d8 Bludgeoning damage. If Powerful Blood Appendage just lands on the number of the creature’s AC or the creature’s AC+1, Powerful Blood Appendage only deals half damage.

Triple Blood Wave. Chaser sends out 3 blood waves on the ground, all creatures in Chaser’s arena must make 3 individual Dexterity Saving Throws (DC 16), if the first Dexterity Saving Throw fails, all blood waves land, if the second Dexterity Saving Throw fails but the first succeeds, only 2 blood waves land, and if the last Dexterity Saving Throw was failed but all the others succeeded, only 1 blood wave lands, and if all saving throws are succeeded, take no damage. Each Blood Wave deals 1d10 Necrotic Damage

Burning Blood Explosion. Ranged Magic Attack: +5 to hit, reach entire arena., Hit 15 (4d6 +3 Fire). If a creature is standing within 5ft of another creature, an attack roll is additionally made on that creature as well, but at a reduced damage of half.

Chaser, Scholar of The Burning Blood (Phase 3)

Medium Humanoid (Adret), Lawful Evil

Hit Points
12 (+1)14 (+2)16 (+3)20 (+5)16 (+3)14 (+2)
Condition Immunities

Hemokenisis Shield. Chaser in a final act of desperation, creates a shield around himself, making him immune to all damage except for self inflicted damage.

Quick Exaustion. After Chaser’s turn, he instantly gets exausted and falls down. He automatically fails all Strength & Dexterity Saving Throws until the start of his next turn when he gets back up.

Final Act. At the start of all his turns he drains 1 Hit Point. After all Hit Points are drained he falls into the Second Floor

Last Resort. Chaser creates a 30x30ft circle around himself, all creatures outside the zone at the start of their turn automatically takes 2d6 Necrotic Damage. All attacks that hit knocked creatures instantly kill them.


Multiattack. Chaser can use 2 attacks and automatically uses body slam in 1 turn.

Triple Blood Apendage. Ranged Magic Attack: +7 to hit, reach entire arena., all creatures in arena. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2 Necrotic), attacks 3 times. If the first hit doesn’t land the second one doesn’t and makes another attack roll on the 3rd one to see if it hits, If the first hit lands the second hit also lands and makes another attack roll on the 3rd one.

Triple Blood Wave. Chaser sends out 3 blood waves on the ground, all creatures in Chaser’s arena must make 3 individual Dexterity Saving Throws (DC 16), if the first Dexterity Saving Throw fails, all blood waves land, if the second Dexterity Saving Throw fails but the first succeeds, only 2 blood waves land, and if the last Dexterity Saving Throw was failed but all the others succeeded, only 1 blood wave lands, and if all saving throws are succeeded, take no damage. Each Blood Wave deals 1d10 Necrotic Damage

Body Slam: Chaser slams the ground in a final act to take the party down with him, all creatures within 30ft of him must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 14) or take 1d12+3 Bludgeoning Damagen on success, take no damage. On failiure, take full damage.

Dungeons & Deepwoken - The Homebrewery (2024)
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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.